Where Are the New Wigglesworths? ~by Chris G. Bennett



This is something The LORD spoke to me a while back in March 2016.

I am reminded of it today as I am still seeking young men and women of God who can carry this mantle.

A link is at the end to take you to the post last year.

So why post it yet again?

Because it still holds good!

With more to come in 2024 and probably later than that!

Where are the new Wigglesworths?

This Word came to me at home on a Wednesday morning, March 9th 2016.

I feel very strongly that there is no coincidence in God, only confirmation, because God confirmed this Word to me even before He gave it all to me!

“‘The days are coming,” declares The LORD, “when the reaper will be overtaken by the ploughman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills,”” Amos 9:13.

Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth

It is no coincidence that The LORD had me look up Smith Wigglesworth on the Internet.

The next Saturday marked the anniversary of his death, March 12, 1947. So what has this to do with anything I wondered.

The LORD answered me in an instant saying, “I AM raising an army of Wigglesworths for these last days.

Fearless evangelists who will bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to millions.

As promised in My Word, this will be accompanied by signs and wonders following, and thousands will be swept into My Kingdom.

I AM bringing back a mantle, an anointing, very similar to that which I gave to My servant Wigglesworth.

It is for those whom I will choose and point out to you. Anoint them, bless them, and send them out, then prepare for a harvest,” says The LORD.


This has started already.

I know of two or three right now who have that anointing, but have they got the character?

Only time will tell.

The LORD tells me today that He has two or three more whom He will bring across my path for me to mentor.

I know of at least one, maybe two….



~ Chris G. Bennett

Chris G. BennettChris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.

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