Develop and Demonstrate Good Habits


Develop and Demonstrate Good Habits 

  • Moral Sensitivity (Psalm 119:11) 
    • Study the Scriptures daily. 
    • Memorize the Beatitudes. 
  • Accountability (James 5:16) 
    • Be open to the truth when others criticize you. 
    • Daily or weekly, talk with a friend who will help you “kick the habit” that plagues you. 
  • Forgiveness (Matthew 6:14–15) 
    • Know that forgiving others is required for you to receive the forgiveness of God. 
    • Forgive by releasing that person into the hands of God. 
  • Communion with God (Psalm 104:34) 
    • Spend time alone with God every day. 
    • Close your mind to invading thoughts and focus on God’s presence and His character.

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