Empowered to Soar! ~by Elaine Tavolacci



The Holy Spirit often speaks to me in Parables, Allegories, Dreams and Visions.

One night several years ago, while reading The Bible, He revealed a powerful allegory to me.

He showed me a mother eagle hovering protectively over her nest with her baby eaglet inside.

Knowing that the eaglet came into full maturity and that it was time to fly, the mother eagle gently nudged the eaglet out of the nest.

As the eaglet plummeted, the mother swooped down, rescued it, and placed it safely back into the nest.

She did this several times until the eaglet learned to fly on its own. Each time she made sure that she caught the eaglet before it hit bottom.

Eventually the eaglet began to flap its wings and soar to extreme heights on its own.

After this, the mother eagle returned to the nest and began to dismantle it. With the same precision she used to build the nest, she took it apart carefully removing each stick and twig, one by one.

This ensured the eaglet wouldn’t return to its old comfort zone. She had great expectation for the eaglet and knew that as long as it remained in its nest, it would never fly on its own.

She knew that her little eaglet could reach unimaginable heights as she released it to go out into the world to fulfill its destiny.

The Holy Spirit is showing me that Jesus is also calling many of you to come out of your comfort zone into a realm where faith surpasses natural limitations.

He is inviting you to step into your divine purpose. You have been created without doubt and born to conquer fear.

He’s made you to be strong rather than timid or fainthearted, and created you for such a time as this.

Many of you have been called to prophesy. Don’t let fear hold you back, but open your mouth and He will fill it.

Some of you thought that His leading was just a figment of your imagination, but don’t allow your natural mind to hold you back from moving out.

Just as you were once strong, courageous and relentless in your past, it is now the time to use the same tenacity that you used in your past rather than cower back in fear.

It is time to gain spiritual momentum once again for the Kingdom of God.

The LORD says; “I AM looking for those who are bold, ready to face challenges, and adamant in spiritual warfare.

Don’t entertain thoughts of defeat or be afraid to ascend to higher heights. There is a new creativity being released among believers and I AM raising up those who will be used in signs and wonders in these last days.

I AM looking for writers, artists, musicians, ministers, and the five-fold ministry as well as people to go into the marketplace.

I AM about to release new mantles and gifts to My Chosen People.

Don’t settle for mediocrity! I’ve called you to something greater, and I’m inviting you to a higher place.

It’s time to come out of your hiding place and emerge from your comfort zone.

This is the time to rise above your natural circumstances.

Your time of slacking off has come to an end. Rise up to be the extraordinary person who I have called you to be.

Never again fear the unknown and don’t be afraid of making wrong choices. Do not be concerned and wonder to yourselves how this can come to pass.

This is the time to boldly step into new adventures, and explore new depths in My Kingdom.

Come up higher and enter into new dimensions that you never thought possible. I’ve empowered you to soar higher,” says The LORD.

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint,” Isaiah 40:30-31.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father,” John 14:12.

“After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this,” Revelation 4:1.


Blessings in Christ Jesus,
~ Elaine

Elaine TavolacciElaine Tavolacci
Staten Island, NY

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