Greens Blame President Trump for COP29 Lack of Progress – Watts Up With That?


Essay by Eric Worrall

First published JoNova – Nobody wants to move until they see whether the USA will pay for their green charade?

Trump stalks global climate talks as COP29 draws near

Sep 16, 2024


The prospect of Donald Trump returning as president is hanging over crucial U.N.-sponsored climate negotiations, with countries “holding back” their positions until they know who sits in the White House.

Veteran observers of climate diplomacy say uncertainty over the election outcome is stalking this November’s COP29 summit, which starts just six days after voters decide between Trump and Kamala Harris.

The election lands awkwardly as governments try to build global consensus in coming months not just around climate but stronger protections for the environment and a treaty to address plastic pollution.

Ali Mohamed, chair of the African Group of Negotiators, accused developed countries of navel gazing and displaying “a lack of seriousness” at the bargaining table.

“The climate change situation really doesn’t care about who is at the helm of the U.S., whether it is a Republican or a Democrat,” he told reporters.

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This is funny on so many levels.

For starters, could fake claims that renewables are cheap possibly be any deader? Renewables are hideously expensive – otherwise why would nations which have already gone big on renewables be holding back?

And then there is the funny they are still blaming Trump – even though he hasn’t been in office since the start of this decade.

Only true believers still think COP conferences have anything to do with the environment. COP28 was held in a petro-state, where the COP28 conference president allegedly spent much of his time trying to ink natural gas sales.

COP29 will be held in Azerbaijan, even more of a petro-state than the UAE. Azerbaijan is a nation which for over a century has been renowned as a major provider of oil and gas. I wonder what their environmental focus will be?

The environmental movement is dead, except in a few places which persist in clinging to the faith, their power is broken. The world will never genuinely switch to green energy. World leaders barely even bother to hide their contempt for the global environmental movement anymore – why else mock greens by holding big environmental conferences in petro-states?

The only question is, how will the petro-state organisers of the COP climate conferences top this supreme mockery of environmental causes? Will the next climate conference be held in the middle of a Texas oil field? On an ocean oil rig? It’s going to be a challenge to pick a location even more hilarious than Azerbaijan.

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