How can mortgage brokers increase market share in the US?


That starts with gaining a comprehensive understanding of what’s best for the client and which solution fits their overarching financial goals. “Even with the rates being as high as they were, we stayed really busy – just because it all goes back to [putting in] time,” he said.

“It’s finding what’s the right opportunity for the client. I call [the first phone call] a discovery call: I spend 15 minutes with them and say, ‘I want you to write your financial goals in a box… and once you write those down, let’s find a way to hit them.’”

How can newer mortgage brokers find their feet in the current market?

Bolling gave a presentation at Fuse detailing strategies for brokers to triple their business through high-level networking, defined branding, and effective use of social media to sharpen the effectiveness of marketing.

For newer brokers or those who cut their teeth in the industry during the pandemic, getting to grips with the turbulent market of recent years may have been especially daunting. Still, it’s essential that those professionals are not discouraged by market ups and downs, Bolling said – and that they remain willing to take a leap of faith.

Treading that path is something of a rite of passage for industry newcomers, according to Bolling. “Invest in yourself. It sounds almost cliched, but I was terrified,” he said. “And honestly, if it wasn’t for my wife pushing me to do this, then I probably would still be either working in retail or maybe searching for a job, because a lot of it shut down.