Unreasonable Hospitality – Discerning Dad


Episode 67 of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast is out now

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see below for a blog post from the episode

Title: Embracing Unreasonable Hospitality: A Lesson for Leaders and Christians


In a world where efficiency and productivity often take precedence over human connection, the concept of “unreasonable hospitality” stands out as a reminder of the profound impact that genuine care and attention can have on individuals. During a recent episode of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast, hosts Drew and Tim delve into how we can adopt this concept of unreasonable hospitality—modeled by Jesus and exemplified in various leadership frameworks—to enrich our personal, professional, and spiritual lives.

Unpacking Unreasonable Hospitality

We begin by asking, “How can we embody this unreasonable hospitality, this unreasonable love?” Drew and Tim set the stage by reflecting on how Jesus modeled such behavior, often prioritizing individuals over the masses. Jesus welcomed sinners, sought out people like Zacchaeus, the woman at the well, and Lazarus, demonstrating a commitment to the one over the many.

“Hey, welcome to the Eyes on Jesus Podcast with Drew and Tim,” they introduce, underscoring the importance of continuously keeping our eyes on Jesus throughout our daily lives.

The Global Leadership Summit Experience

The conversation takes a fascinating turn when Tim recounts his experience attending a Global Leadership Summit. He emphasizes the value of leadership growth, regardless of one’s role in ministry or secular environments. “I’ve been going now for three years, four years… it helps you grow in your leadership,” he notes, underscoring how the summit’s Christ-focused content provides practical applications for all levels of leadership.

From noteworthy speakers like Craig Groeschel to Erwin McManus, the summit offers diverse perspectives that enrich attendees’ understanding of effective leadership. Drew highlights how hearing different points of view, from CEOs to individuals aiming to be better leaders at home, provides enriching experiences that can be applied across various fields.

Applying Unreasonable Hospitality in Ministry and Life

Tim connects these insights to the concept of unreasonable hospitality through the teachings of Will Gadara, author of “Unreasonable Hospitality.” Gadara’s experiences in transforming Eleven Madison Park from a top-50 restaurant to number one by focusing on exceptional hospitality serve as a powerful metaphor for how leaders and Christians can prioritize loving and valuing individuals.

Gadara’s approach boils down to transforming routine transactions into extraordinary experiences. One story that stands out involves a couple who, despite dining at a high-end restaurant, expressed regret over missing out on a New York street hot dog. Gadara’s team seized the opportunity to procure a hot dog, slice it elegantly, and serve it in the restaurant. This small act of tuning into the customer’s values created a memorable experience far outweighing the cost.

Biblical Foundations and Practical Applications

Tim and Drew emphasize the biblical foundations for such acts of love, noting that the Bible calls us to love genuinely and enthusiastically. Romans 12:9-12 extolls believers to love each other with genuine affection and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Similarly, 1 Peter 4:9-10 urges believers to show hospitality cheerfully and use their spiritual gifts to serve others.

Examples from their own ministries highlight how these principles translate into real-world scenarios. Tim shares how their church uses a plan-your-visit tool to welcome new attendees warmly, resulting in meaningful connections and spiritual growth. Drew recounts changing a flat tire for a church guest, illustrating how small acts of kindness can make a big impact.

Challenges and Boundaries in Practicing Unreasonable Hospitality

However, they also caution against blind adherence to hospitality without boundaries. Drawing from Gadara’s teachings, they stress that clear boundaries are essential to avoid burnout and ensure that both leaders and staff can maintain a healthy work environment.

“The customer isn’t always right, and it’s unhealthy for everyone if you don’t have clear and enforced boundaries,” emphasizes Tim. This is especially pertinent in church settings where not every congregant’s feedback should steer the direction of the ministry.

Focusing on Genuine Love

Ultimately, the message is clear: as followers of Christ, our goal should be to emulate Jesus’s unreasonable love. We should strive for focused hospitality, genuinely valuing each individual we encounter. Whether in a ministry setting or a secular job, embodying this principle can enrich our interactions and leave a lasting impact.


Unreasonable hospitality isn’t about grand gestures; it’s about genuine love and attention to the details that matter to individuals. By following Jesus’s example and integrating insights from leaders like Will Gadara, we can make our homes, workplaces, and churches places of extraordinary experiences.

Let us know how you are practicing unreasonable hospitality in your life. Share your stories and continue the conversation on how we can keep our eyes on Jesus while making a meaningful impact on those around us.

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