Bleak Future for Airlines, Airline-Related Industries and Airline Stocks as Climate Change Accelerates


Accelerating climate change will steadily and relentlessly force airlines, airplane manufacturers, airports, and airline or airport-related businesses toward increasing insolvency.

Why is this true?



Have you seen the increasing news reports about:

1. severe air turbulence and consequent injuries to airline passengers,

2. more extreme weather causing canceled flights and delays, 

3. flights being redirected mid-flight to an unscheduled destination because of more severe and extreme weather,

4. damage to airplanes on the ground due to more extreme weather events?

Over the next 10-30 years, the airline industry, one of the largest carbon polluters of the atmosphere and a major cause of climate change, will suffer dearly from its own toxic fossil fuel carbon pollution actions.

Call that a stinging bit of Mother Nature’s poetic justice if you like!

Despite many people not consciously connecting accelerating climate change and global warming to more severe or extreme air turbulence during their air travel, there is much to discover about this rapidly increasing airline crisis.

Here is what you should know:

1. Our atmosphere will become ever more turbulent as global warming increases yearly.

2. As global warming continues to rise, our atmosphere will increasingly “boil and churn,” much like you would see an increase in the intensity of water boiling and churning in a pressure cooker as you turn the heat up under the pressure cooker.

3. Our current atmospheric “boil and churn” turbulence occurs because the top layer of our atmosphere (which acts much like the lid on a pressure cooker) traps climate change-caused global warming inside our lower atmosphere. This trapped global warming then “boils and churns” the lower atmosphere, steadily increasing air turbulence with each level of increased global warming.

4. Today’s current level of climate change-driven extreme weather is also causing more emergency landings, flights to be redirected to airports that were not originally their destination, and extreme weather-related crashes.

5. More extreme weather will also create more havoc with planes on the ground. These planes will face more icing problems and more hail and wind damage before they ever take off.

The above airline problems mean that:

a. as global warming worsens, more passengers will regularly experience severe to extreme turbulence on their flights,

b. more airline passengers who are not wearing their seatbelts throughout the whole flight and who do not forego bathroom or other out-of-seat activities will also be injured, and

c. every time you get on an airplane as global warming temperatures continues to rise, you subject yourself to higher and higher probabilities for pe3rsonally experiencing severe to extreme turbulence or worse.

Airlines are painfully aware that passengers are saying that flying is becoming just too stressful, especially now with the dramatic increase in severe and extreme turbulence. As a result of the airline’s increasing air turbulence problems, more airline passengers are finding other means of transportation.

To cope with this escalating “scared flyer” exit problem, airlines are frantically searching for new technologies that can help them spot and avoid the different types of climate change-driven air turbulence events that will continue to worsen. The airlines can also be expected to follow the playbook of other big corporations that deal with climate change-related problems.

Expect the airline-related industries to do everything they can to prevent governments from tracking the growing number of severe and extreme turbulence-related incidents and passenger injuries. Next, expect the airline industries to do everything possible to suppress global news reporting related to the dramatic increase in severe and extreme turbulence and passenger injuries.

Accelerating climate change is the ultimate no-win problem the airline industry faces today. It is the one growing problem that cannot really be solved. The reason is simple.

Humanity has already passed the second phase of irreversible climate change, which means global warming temperatures will continue to rise for at least the next 30 or more years and probably much longer than that. Unfortunately, and especially over the next 7 to 8 years, this means that air turbulence will become noticeably more severe, more frequent, and occur in many more locations than it does now.

Even if the airline industry replaces its current seating with shock-absorbing seats and shoulder harnesses (like the hurricane-chasing planes) and provides all passengers with helmets and in-seat toilet aids as the astronauts use, it is unlikely that with the projected global warming-driven worsening air turbulence, they will face anything but more and more reluctant passengers and dwindling revenues.

This new climate change airline reality means that large and smart investors are already diversifying out of airline and airline industry-related stocks, and airports and businesses around airports need to start looking for new sources of revenue to replace their losses.

This does not mean that airline passengers will tell their friends they’ve stopped flying because they fear the severe and extreme turbulence — the new normal for air travel.

Expect them to tell their friends they stopped flying because airline travel is a major cause of climate change and global warming, and they have decided to be good citizens and use other less polluting transportation methods.

In Summary

The climate change-predicted major increase in severe, and extreme air turbulence over the following decades will cause many more people to stop flying.

Over the next few decades, airline industry stocks will tumble, and many airline industry-related players will go out of business.

As we implied at the beginning of this article, decades of airline industry toxic fossil fuel pollution will cause and accelerate the airline-related industry’s own demise by the hand of Mother Nature’s inevitable, unique, and balancing powers for poetic justice.

In the future, if you enjoy being terrified on the scariest of old rickety roller coasters and love the many other security and other related stresses that already exist in the airline industry, you will become one of the few remaining regular customers of the airline industry. The rest of us will opt out of more and more airline flights, and many of us will colloquially rename the airlines the scare lines.

Because of climate change-driven increasing severe to extreme turbulence, at some point to protect themselves from legal liability, the airlines will be forced to begin announcing at the beginning of every flight:

“To prevent injuries from unpredictable severe to extreme air turbulence, it is required that everyone remain in their seat with their seatbelt fastened for the duration of the flight.”

Say goodbye to the regular and smooth airline flights of yesterday. Those days are far behind us for decades to come.

More Climate Change Information

1. Our climate change think tank research and analysis methodology can be found on this page.

2. Climate change consequences, timeframes, forecasts, and recommended solutions can be found in the ten facts and links on this page. 

3. Click here for detailed information on the devastating second phase of irreversible climate change, which we have already entered and condems us to ever-increasing severe to extreme air turbulence.

4. To gain full access to critical climate change-related financial information and other vital climate change relocation, adaptation, and other information, become a supporting member of this independent climate change think tank. Click here for everything you will be able to access.

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