Guided Meditation For Self Belief


In this guided meditation for self belief we reflect on our core character strengths, how they have helped us in the past and how they will help us in the future.


Hello and welcome to this wonderful guided meditation for self-belief. Take a moment to get comfortable, and when you’re ready, gently close your eyes.

Now, let’s take a deep breath in through the nose to a count of four, and pause for four. Breathe out through the mouth for four, pause for four, and repeat. All we are doing is observing the breath flowing through the body. Allow yourself to enjoy the simplicity of the present moment, doing nothing but observing the breath and allowing all else to fall aside like leaves in autumn.

Continue to observe your breath. In a moment, we’re going to bring to mind one of our character strengths. For now, just keep observing your breath. We will select a strength that we have; for instance, one of my strengths is compassion, and we will be meditating on that strength.

For now, continue to mindfully breathe, enjoying this moment and the simplicity of watching the breath flowing through the body. Sometimes it can be challenging to bring to mind a character strength, especially if we have been feeling down. Your mind might try to convince you that you don’t have any strengths. If that happens, remember that it’s just a thought and nothing more. Take your time selecting one of the strengths you have.

We will take a couple more breaths before we focus on our character strength. Now, let us bring to mind one of our character strengths. For example, I am using the strength of compassion, which I consider to be one of my most important strengths. I will say to myself, “I am strong in compassion,” and you can repeat using your own strength, “I am strong in [your strength].”

Begin to recite that gently in your mind: “I am strong in [your character strength].” As you continue to recite that mantra, you will start to remember moments in your life when you have acted in accordance with that strength. For instance, as I repeat in my mind, “I am strong in compassion,” I recall compassionate deeds such as visiting the elderly in the hospital and doing charity work for animals.

Allow yourself to reflect on moments in your life when you have embodied this character strength. Now, we will slightly change our focus and reflect on the future. We will say, “I will succeed because of my strength in compassion” or whatever your character strength is. Recite this as a mantra, and as you do, visualize ways in which your character strength will help you in the future. If your mind needs a little help, deliberately visualize ways in which the chosen strength will aid you.

Now, let that first strength fall aside like leaves in autumn as we return to the breath, just observing the breath flowing through the body. The breath is the anchor, and when the mind becomes lost in turmoil, thoughts, or feelings, we gradually guide it back to the anchor, back to the breath. Continue to observe the breath flowing through the body.

Next, we will work on our second character strength. Take a moment to choose your character strength. For this one, I’m going to use creativity because I consider myself to be a very creative person, but you should choose the strength that you believe is true of yourself. Label that strength by naming it to yourself.

Let’s begin to recite our mantra: “I am strong in [your character strength].” Invite memories of times when you have lived by this strength. If you lose your focus, take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, and say to yourself, “I am strong in [your character strength].” Continue to reflect on moments when you have embodied that strength in your life.

Now let’s think forward: “I will succeed because I am strong in [your character strength].” Recite this mantra and bring to mind ways in which this strength will empower you towards success in the future. Allow that strength to drift away like a leaf on the wind, take a couple of mindful breaths, and then begin our third and final character strength.

Choose your third character strength. For this one, I am going to choose resilience for all the times I have faced trouble but overcome it. Choose the strength that works for you. Begin to recite, “I am strong in [your strength],” and as you do, reflect on moments in your life when you have lived by that strength.

Now, think forward: “I will succeed because I am strong in [your character strength].” Allow your mind to show you ways in which this strength will propel you towards success. Let that strength fall away, take a final cleansing breath, and open your eyes.

This concludes our guided meditation for self-belief. I hope you’ve enjoyed this session. If you have any comments or feedback, please leave a message below—I’d love to hear from you.

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