Join Racine LIVE at 6pm (London time) every day from Monday April 3 to Saturday April 8 2023 for a SPECIAL EASTER series: MESSIANIC JOUNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE

The Bible is not a book of historical events and ancient wisdom –
it is God’s message of grace and truth to mankind today.
It is the plan of God to bring man back to God;
It is to chart our course to salvation (Psalm 119:35).
It is the chronicle of God’s love for humanity, from darkness before Eden to eternity with Him in Heaven.

This Easter period is a special time for believers to soberly reflect on the purpose of life and remember Christ, the Chief Cornerstone from which we have been hewn by the Holy Spirit to become living stones for the glory of God, our Father. (1 Peter 2:5-9) Christ’s finished works at Calvary brought faith unto salvation for all who believe in His name. We believe the Bible is true because of the life of Jesus Christ: Jesus quoted the Scriptures as being the absolute Words of God; He preached them; He taught them; He demonstrated them; lived by them and made them work.

During this special daily program titled MESSIANIC JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE we shall focus on the divine meaning of the Bible as revealed by the Holy Spirit. There is truth in God’s Word; the Holy Spirit guides us into an understanding of that truth hidden behind the historical facts. No prophecy of the Bible is void of fulfilment. Jesus is the fulfilment of the Bible prophecy.

Today the heart of mankind seems to be drifting away from God. God never gives up! God can be denied, ridiculed, ignored, slandered but His love remains constant and unchanging. The door of His Kingdom of righteousness is open to whosoever wills. Join us on in The University of God for this Messianic Journey Through The Bible and discover Jesus’ footprints through the prophets.

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Racine & Ruth Bousso
#Racine #Easter #UOG #UniversityOfGod
