Walk the Walk – by Christa Hardin


All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Proverbs 14:23

She slammed the college rejection letter down angrily. “I guess I’ll work in the food industry my whole life. God, what am I supposed to do?”

She immediately regretted bragging to friends and family about her ability to get into any school she wanted. All of them would now know the truth: she is a big fat failure!

Thank goodness this is not the truth. God knows your future, and when a door closes, you are one step closer to your true destination, which is right where God wants you to be. As long as you are hard at work serving God, you will significantly contribute to this world. And when you’re actively on God’s team, we are all better off!

God loves when we work hard, whether we are at college or working behind a fast food counter, at home watching elderly grandparents or children, or even studying with everything we’ve got. Merely talking about how successful we plan to be will only lead to failure and disappointment. But if we cast visions about what we want to do with our lives while taking prayerful and practical steps to get there, we will thrive.

If you are frustrated about a job or school situation today, God is ready to you remind that all hard work brings profit. When you work at something doing your very best, the reward is deep and great.

You may not see what God is doing right away, but when you work to serve and love others in God’s kingdom, you are part of a larger tapestry that is breathtakingly beautiful. Remember Ephesians 2:10:

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Dear Jesus, thank You for reminding me that I am part of the work You are doing. Thank You for laying out my life’s plans and dreams and allowing many of them to come true already. I want to do Your will, and to work hard as well. Please help me, in the discouraging moments, to remember that all of my hard work will bring a profit, Lord. I give You my plans and ask that I would walk in You as I serve this world with my gifts. Amen.

Thought: What are your career goals? Are you hoping to excel as a stay-at-home mom or volunteer as a newly retired veteran? Are you at the cusp of a possible promotion or getting ready to open a new business? Whatever your position, work at it your hardest, committing to memory today’s verse.

By  Christa Hardin
used be permission



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