Are We an Integral Part of These Perilous Times? ~by Marietta Wilkinson



Sometimes I can scarcely believe this amazing time I am part of!

I think sometimes we make the mistake of feeling like mere observers in a world full of actors, both nefarious and good. We feel invisible and insignificant. There is safety in invisibility and insignificance, after all.

But the truth is, we are an integral part of the big picture, and our actions, or lack thereof, have consequence that can be quite significant.

Our prayers can echo through time and past time into eternity!

Our divinely directed actions change lives and hearts and deliver a blow to the enemies’ strongholds on the earth.

Our words and declarations can create a place for the Glory of God to dwell.

Our surrender to the One True Living God changes everything for us and those around us.

For He can do a lot with a little, and we are a little that can do a lot — if only we are willing!

As we learn to walk in the fullness of His Kingdom here on earth, we will begin to understand who we are and what we are doing here. After all, isn’t that the age-old question, “What is the meaning of life?”

I guess my answer to that question would be that my life has the meaning He gives it!

Without Him, the meaning would be gone, and I would be a beating heart waiting for some meaning to arrive by chance, or for death to have its way, at which point I would realize I’ve spent a lifetime wasting heart beats when I could have had life abundant with Him!

Easy has never been part of this life’s equation; however, doesn’t our King say, “My Yoke is easy and My Burden light”? (Matthew 11:28-30)

If He carries our burdens, they indeed should become of secondary preoccupation next to the knowledge of Him!

Our often misguided expectations and unfortunate ignorance of the ways of God can sometimes leave us disillusioned, especially in a world where entitlement is the paradigm of the day.

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

Aren’t these the last days?

Don’t we live in a world full of narcissistic individuals who embody these very traits?

The very paradigm of our society is clearly laid out in this scripture.

“Knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3:3-4.

We live in a time when narcissists and scoffers abound in every area of society, each one held hostage to the Jezebel paradigm, and living and walking according to their own ever-changing rules — rules governed by their own greed, lusts and emotions.

This is leading to the implosion of the enemy’s camp, as they are losing their cohesion one with the other, each seeking their own agenda.

They are beginning to see their own downfall on the horizon, and are getting desperate to save their individual power and wealth by trampling on whoever they think is necessary.

Selfishness abounds, and the knowledge of right and wrong has been seared out of a collective consciousness. Chaos is now becoming their norm!

Isn’t this what the global elite have been working toward — a manipulated society, so self-absorbed and sickly that the fabric of society itself begins to crumble?

This is the time of Haman, indeed!

But somewhere along the way, they have forgotten that there is a God Who is alive and well and He hasn’t overlooked their impressive array of evil deeds as they have trampled the innocent to gain wealth, power and control.

They forgot that actions have consequences, and that eventually those consequences come.

The blood of the innocent and trusting masses cries out from the ground to a Just and Holy God Who has given more than enough chances for repentance. Harvest time is upon us!

Now He comes in His Splendor and Majesty, a Righteous King Who is bringing back into order what the enemy has worked so hard to put into disarray. It is happening now, and what a glorious time to be alive!

“When the wicked spring up like grass, And when all the workers of iniquity flourish, It is that they may be destroyed forever.” Psalm 92:7.

So in this dark hour we must stand on the Foundation of Jesus Christ.

It never changes because He never changes.

As the world appears to crumble around us, our firm Foundation is One Who cannot fail, cannot overlook, Whose Blood covers all our lives, and Whose Love for us is incomprehensible in its magnitude!

This is all leading to something wonderful in this life, not just the next, and our hope in His Goodness will abound once again!

Stand fast! His manifest Goodness is close!

Choose to trust Him over what you see happening! He never loses, for His victory, and ours, is already won!


~ Marietta Wilkinson

Marietta Wilkinson Marietta Wilkinson is a Prophetic Voice called to usher in The Fire and Glory of The LORD for such a time as this.
Find Marietta at @swordofthekingdom (Telegram) and at praying_scripture (Instagram)

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