Children of God, Are You Still Awaiting Your Miracle? ~by Travis Coffey



Are you waiting on Jesus to do a miracle in your life?

We need Jesus to do big things in our lives, but first we have to understand what our part is.

In John 6, we see a very large miracle in which Jesus fed 5,000 people. But look at what happened right before thousands of people were supernaturally fed.

Verse 10 says,

“Then Jesus said, “Make the people sit down!” Now there was much grass in the place. S o the men sat down, in number about five thousand.”

The people sat down before they were fed.

The miracle would not have occurred if the people did not obey Jesus when He said the people should sit down on the grass.

This means for us, that we are to sit down in the presence of Jesus — before we receive our miracle.

Jesus wants to do miracles in our lives, but we must sit down and connect with Him!

Jesus says, “Connecting with Me on a deeper level brings more rewards.”

There are some rewards you won’t get because you do not put in the time with Jesus. In other words, make the time to sit in the presence of Jesus.

Jesus says: “I want My People to understand that I AM waiting for them.

They are waiting for Me — but really — I AM waiting for them!

They are to come to Me and sit with Me and speak to Me and listen to what I have to say.

I will do many miracles in their lives once they understand this.

Many great things will happen to My People when they realize that I AM LORD and their God — and it is worth it to spend time with Me!”


~ Travis Coffey

Travis Coffey Travis Coffey was called by Christ to be a prophet. His desire is to help people get informed about who Jesus is, and what is He is doing during these end times.

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