Powerful Prophetic Signs for the Hour and Season! ~by Veronika West



High frequencies of Heaven being released that will Cut and Severe Communication Lines of demonic networks in the earth realm!

Blow the Trumpet! Blow the Shofars!

Shofars- Antelope and Rarm's Horn

So, in the early hours of this morning I was awoken to a sudden and very loud sound being released into the atmosphere.

And I heard these Words, “Listen! I say come up here!

Come up higher to where you can hear the high frequencies of the sound of the Trumpet/ Shofars — the frequencies of the Mighty Breakers that will cause the demonic networks of communication of the enemy to be cut and severed!

High and heavenly frequencies that will send confusion and chaos into the enemy’s camp!

I say watch! Listen its time to blow the Trumpets! Blow the Shofars — and let the frequencies of heaven be released into the earthly realm!”

Ha! On hearing those words The LORD showed me a direct Prophetic Parallels unfolding in the war in Israel.

God is speaking!




So, ten (10) days ago when The LORD showed me the wordsRed October” upside down — “ɹǝqoʇɔO pǝR” — He began to speak to me again about the prophetic significance of Communication Lines.

He started showing me the significance of the Number Twenty Two (22)…in the context of the Authority of The Key of The House of David, and The LORD then impressed upon my heart the need to call a Twenty-Two-Day War Room gathering, starting October 2-23.

Twenty-Two-Day War Cry ~Not on my watch!

I believe this Word today speaks powerfully yet again to The Master Key — to The Key of The House of David that has the Power and Authority to override and completely destroy the whole demonic network system of the enemy!

The Ecclesia must arise in this critical hour in the Authority of the mighty Breaker Anointing to uproot and overthrow!

Shofar Sounds ©Word Spirit-2Elevate

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West Veronika West

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