Change of Scenery | Obsessivecompulsivegardening’s Blog


Time to change the view. Pull up a chair to take in the new view. Or maybe a table for one will do.

Of course I went for my yearly mum shopping. Perhaps I got a bit carried away, but they are so wonderful and they certainly help with the change of scenery. I will pot up these mums into bigger containers after I cut and tease out the roots. They tend to be quite root bound when you purchase them in bloom. I add a bit of bio-tone fertilizer to the potting soil, to keep the roots growing strong. I have also found that they need to be checked daily for watering.

At times, I do dread the upcoming winter, so it helps to ease into it with colorful decorations. They make me smile.

I also cut back the daylilies. They will flush out with new foliage and then they are ready for the change of scenery.

I do have golf tees all over the garden. This is how I mark where I will plant a bulb. I am expecting a rather large order of spring bulbs any day now.

A few daylilies are still blooming. Mostly rebloomers, but I do have a few that are just late bloomers. This is a great color in a daylily, Armenian Haberdashery, a Curt Hanson. It is a late blooming daylily, as many of his are.

Above is Eyes on The Prize, with a friend. This is a rebloom that I was surprised to see, as it has never rebloomed for me. It have noted that often the reblooms are slightly different, perhaps it is just the change of scenery.

Pumpkin Kid, just a great daylily, that has consistently sent up reblooms. This daylily first started to bloom late in June. It took a brief rest, and then was back to work showing up with the mums. The afternoons seem shorter, and the sun is lowering to the south causing shadows across the scenery.

As I anticipate my bulb delivery, I did go ahead and plant all of the tulip bulbs that I had dug out during the summer, along with the daffodil bulbs that I had forced last year. I also divided out a few larger clumps of daffodils. So, after I removed my tomato and cucumber plants, I planted these bulbs. I had kept the bulbs in mesh bags in a cool area during the summer.

Typically, I would not plant bulbs in a row, or plant them so close together, but for this purpose, it was the way to go. I will cut any blooms from this grouping for bouquets to bring inside. I am very curious to see how they will do. I did add a bit of bulb fertilizer to the soil, and covered them up. I let Mother Nature water them in. So the change of scenery is upon us, and I am truly here for the candy!

Happy Gardening in the new scenery.

About obsessivecompulsivegardening

I have a hobby that is simply out of control, but the rewards are so great. Join me in my obsession. Thanks for looking, and enjoy!!!