Fragments of Interest ~by Sherry Edwards Mackey



I have been hidden for a long time and a loner — some from being shy, and others from serious abuse and the blows I have suffered.

I regress from people sometimes due to things I need to work on more.

I thank God for a Ministry that reached out and rescued me and is taking me on an abiding journey to health and love in the presence of The LORD — 24/7.

Wow, knowing the walk of solitude, great peace, with knowing He’s got me for my total life, is a reminder, however there are times I need remembrances. I want to always walk and demonstrate the great Peace and Presence of Jesus Christ!

Most have shunned me, or tried to say I have demons and need deliverance.

I have never had a problem with people praying for me, but it doesn’t mean I agree with it!

People can say and do hurtful things — all in the Name of Jesus.

When you come to the crossroad with such a one, just remind yourself, some of those things are just not worth our time and effort!

If you are lonely today, you don’t have to be!

You can receive Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior by asking The LORD to forgive you of all sin and receive Him, as your Lord! And He is a friend Who sticks closer than a brother!

I am learning to keep love and oil of healing and peace in a potential vehement flame in my life, heart, and prayer. But why would that stir up strife?

I never fit in anywhere, unless I am walking together in the Spirit with others of kindred spirits. (Like-minded and you know when it is!)

But I find that the nature of conflict works in the best of us, and among us, that can stir up strife! Strife and contention breed every evil work, so tell it to let go!

The Remnant of God is small. I like to say it this way as a woman of God; I have saved many cut up pieces of raiment that were discarded — fragments of interest, color, pattern and lots of different cuts — that fit, which seemed that they were somewhat unusable pieces.

Now that is an example of what a Remnant is.

We are all small pieces of God’s Remnant vision. Not only does He want us to sewn together, but He is also doing it Himself and asking others to help us sew together with others, and to comment, “That color would be lovely! or “This brings a smile together!”

And once He, we, and us, finishes His Masterpiece, He has a Divine Quilt [a Remnant] sewn together to cover and bring warmth to the world.

That is how God works with us, as piecing us together for His Plan and Purposes.

patchwork quilt portion

The quilt was the vision in the master’s hand and mind for the ugly piles of unlike shapes and color with no beauty or function.

Many walked away from the ugly pile. The master craftsmen had a vision and decided to bring the vision together that he had in mind. So, He began to work the vision by piecing together suddenly a beautiful quilt! But the process begins….

At the beginning of the process, we could not see what the quilt would look like but took the stance to utterly discard it, like not liking the colors.

But now as we step back and can see the potential beauty of the remnant could be. Each piece must come together like crossing paths we never thought we would.

However, it was such a personal connection like our very flesh was knit together and surprised!

God knew all the time that the beauty of the quilt would have the colors and each stitch and swatch we look at is so precious. That is how God is with us.

How many of us have been lonely for color or comfort and warmth the quilt provides. For some they use quilts as heirlooms in their family.

How do we reach out to other remnant pieces of God’s kingdom and ask The LORD to sew them together seeing beyond the two pieces?

We ask The LORD to see those among us who would realize they are helping to build God’s Kingdom, and we approach them in love and in kindness with encouragement.


In HIS Grace and Mercy,
~ Sherry Edwards Mackey

Sherry Edwards MackeySherry Edwards Mackey
Please Note: Publications and or prophecy taken from this may be used to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. The articles taken must be used according to it’s entirety with credits. Thank you kindly!

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