10 Things to Consider Before Concealed Carrying


10 Things to Consider Before Carrying Concealed

Estimated 5 minute read

Whether you reside in a constitutional carry state or one with stringent permit requirements, the decision to carry a concealed firearm demands more than just basic knowledge. The minimal training mandated for a concealed carry permit often falls short when faced with the complexities of a real-life shooting incident, making it imperative to delve deeper into self-defense preparedness. Here are ten crucial considerations for anyone contemplating carrying a concealed weapon:

  1. Safe Firearms Storage: When not on your person, secure storage is vital to prevent unauthorized access. Choose a method that aligns with your lifestyle while prioritizing restricted immediate access.

  2. Learn Your State Laws: Beyond the basics covered in permit classes, extensive research into your state’s laws is crucial. Understand regulations concerning interactions with police, the duty to retreat, and other legal intricacies.

  3. Situational Awareness: Carrying a gun doesn’t make you immune to crime. Maintain situational awareness by being attentive to your surroundings, people nearby, and potential escape routes.

  4. Conflict Avoidance: The best fight is the one you avoid. Leave potentially risky areas, and prioritize your safety by steering clear of confrontation whenever possible.

  5. Deadly Force Decision-Making: Understand the justification for employing deadly force. It should only be used when faced with an imminent, unavoidable deadly threat, meeting criteria such as intent, ability, and weapon presence.

  6. Firearms Retention: Maintain control of your firearm at all times. Seek effective firearms retention training to improve your ability to retain control during a deadly assault.

  7. Tactical Movements: In a gunfight, standing still can be fatal. Seek cover or concealment, directing others to do the same. Remember, cover stops bullets, while concealment merely provides a place to hide.

  8. Marksmanship Skills: Ensure your rounds are on target to stop threats quickly and avoid harming innocent bystanders. Regular training is essential for preserving and honing marksmanship skills.

  9. Self-Care/First-Aid Fundamentals: In the aftermath of a deadly force incident, stress levels rise, and injuries may go unnoticed. Possess first-aid skills and a well-equipped kit to tend to injuries promptly.

  10. After-Action Skills: Prepare for the aftermath by planning what to do and say when help arrives. Provide necessary information without admitting guilt, emphasize your need for assistance, and be prepared for legal processes.

Carrying a firearm necessitates ongoing lifestyle changes and a heightened sense of responsibility. The journey goes beyond obtaining a concealed carry permit, requiring continuous self-defense training and readiness for the legal complexities that may follow a deadly force incident.