9 Simple Habits That Divide the Rich and Poor


Various factors influence a person’s financial journey, including education, employment opportunities, living expenses, and resource access. Family background and inherited wealth also influence one’s financial starting point. These elements contribute to the complex nature of an individual’s financial circumstances.

However, research has also identified everyday habits among those who have built wealth, such as prioritizing saving and investing, maintaining a budget, minimizing high-interest debt, pursuing continuous learning, setting clear financial goals, and seeking expert guidance when needed. While adopting these habits does not guarantee economic success, as individual circumstances may vary, understanding these practices can provide valuable insights for those looking to improve their financial situations.

Financial Management Habits

1. Budgeting and Tracking Expenses

The wealthy are likelier to use a budget to track their spending carefully. One survey found that 88% of millionaires stick to a budget, compared to 41% of the general population. Budgeting creates awareness of where money is going and helps identify areas to cut back or redirect more toward savings and investments.

2. Saving and Investing

Research consistently shows the affluent save a much higher portion of their income. Federal Reserve data indicates the top 10% of earners save 12% on average, while the bottom 20% save just 2%. The wealthy also start investing earlier and more aggressively in diverse assets like stocks, real estate, and businesses.

3. Avoiding Costly Debt

While strategic debt usage is shared among the wealthy, they tend to steer clear of high-interest consumer debt whenever possible. Only about 5% of millionaires carry a credit card balance from month to month, compared to nearly half the general public. Minimizing interest payments leaves more money available to build wealth.

Education and Skill Development

4. Always Keep Learning

Continuing to learn throughout life is a top priority for most wealthy individuals. Nearly 9 in 10 affluent people spend at least 30 minutes a day reading to educate themselves, increase their knowledge, and further their careers. Lifelong learning leads to a broader skill set, higher earning potential, and savvier financial choices.

5. Turn to the Experts

Seeking guidance from financial advisors, tax professionals, lawyers, and other experts is another habit that is more common among the wealthy. Seventy percent of affluent individuals work with a financial advisor, compared to only a third of the population. Being open to expert advice often leads to better-informed money decisions.

Time Management and Productivity

6. Sleep and Self-Care Matter

The “rise and grind” mentality is a myth regarding how the wealthy live. Research reveals affluent individuals get more sleep on average than those with lower incomes. Proper rest and taking care of one’s health contribute to higher productivity in the long run. Burnout is the enemy of building wealth.

7. Goal-Oriented Planning

Wealthy people are likelier to set clear goals and create plans to achieve them. Over 80% of millionaires report having specific objectives to work toward, compared to just 10% of those in dire financial situations. Keeping the big picture in mind helps prioritize time, guide daily decisions, and form positive habits.

Social and Psychological Factors

8. Believe You Can Grow

Mindset matters when it comes to achieving success. Studies in psychology have found that people who believe their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work tend to achieve more. This “growth mindset” is more prevalent among high achievers and correlates with financial success.

9. Grow Your Network

The affluent often have more extensive and diverse social networks than those with less wealth. A wide circle provides greater access to knowledge, opportunities, and resources that propel financial growth. Building genuine relationships across different spheres can spark new ideas and open doors to success.

Case Study: How Marcus Turned His Finances Around

Key Takeaways

  • The wealthy often prioritize budgeting and tracking expenses for financial control.
  • Affluent individuals typically save and invest more in diverse assets.
  • Avoiding high-interest consumer debt is a habit shared among the wealthy.
  • Continuous learning and skill development lead to increased earning potential.
  • Seeking expert financial advice is more prevalent among the rich.
  • Prioritizing health and sleep contributes to productivity and well-being.
  • Setting financial goals and planning is more common among the wealthy.
  • Cultivating a growth mindset correlates with financial success.
  • Building diverse social networks provides access to valuable resources.
  • Individual habits are essential, but societal factors significantly impact wealth.


It’s essential to recognize that simply adopting habits observed among wealthy individuals does not guarantee financial success. These behaviors are much easier to implement when someone already has a certain level of stability and resources. Many people face challenges and obstacles that make reaching their financial potential difficult.

However, these research findings still offer valuable insights that individuals can apply to their own lives. Being proactive about budgeting, committing to ongoing learning, defining clear goals, and cultivating an optimistic outlook are all steps that can lead to positive changes in personal financial situations over time. By focusing on the factors within our control and making informed choices, we can work towards improving our circumstances and creating a brighter economic future for ourselves and our families.