Residential Solar Panels are Charging an Electric Vehicle Future in Norman, OK


Here’s Why Charging Your Electric Vehicle at Home with Solar Panels Can Save You Time and Money

Travis Gliedt knows a thing or two about the environment. Possibly because he is a sustainability masters professor at the University of Oklahoma. Travis is known for his love for sustainability, road trips with his white Ford Mach-E, and his solar panels on his Norman, OK residence.

In fact, Travis has gained quite the following over the years, boasting over 11,000 followers on Tik Tok because of his fun and interactive posts about his favorite Mach-E vehicle and spreading the word about solar energy.

Travis is a long-time customer of Solar Power of Oklahoma and enjoys the lifestyle that comes with charging his electric vehicle at home while also saving money with his solar panel system.

Charging his Ford Mach-E at home saves him hours every month by starting his day at 100% battery, instead of having to stop at public chargers on the way home from work. EV Chargers of Oklahoma, a division of Solar Power of Oklahoma serves the entire state with Level 2 and Level 3 charging. Try our electric vehicle calculator if you want to see how much you would save charging at home.

It’s no secret that professor Gliedt is proud of his solar panels. He’s mentioned in his podcast, Zero Emissions Expeditions, that although owning an EV does raise his monthly electric bill, he’s able to keep a high bill at bay with his cost-saving solar panels.

Solar Power of Oklahoma has been in business nearly seven years, and over that short period of time we’ve saved our customers nearly $30,000,000 via solar panels and net metering. After installing 120,000 solar panels, we are confident we are the best local solar company in the state.

Want more information about going solar in Norman? We have a calculator for that, too. Our solar calculator only needs one number to suggest how many panels your home will need, and although it’s a rough estimate, we’ve found that a lot of Oklahomans find it helpful to determine their solar panel needs.

Travis will never stop spreading the word about his EV, solar panels, and the work he does in his renewable fields. We’re grateful to have customers like Travis and can’t wait to see the next video he cooks up on his Tik Tok. Because if it’s one thing Travis is an expert on, it’s sustainability and shooting videos of his Mach-E riding into a sunset in western Oklahoma.

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