7 Guilt-Free Cinco de Mayo Ideas


Cinco de Mayo.

A day of indulgence in Mexican favorites such as tacos, enchiladas, and tamales…
…with loads of rice and beans and endless bowls of chips and salsa!

And of course it just wouldn’t be Cinco de Mayo without bottomless pitchers of margaritas y cerveza.

Yes! Drink ALL the Margaritas!

Yikes! Hide your scale!

You know, it IS possible to enjoy Cinco de Mayo in a healthier way. Mexican cuisine has a lot to offer in the way of great-tasting, healthy dishes.

Here are some healthy ways to celebrate…


Salsa is loaded with non-starchy tomatoes. A gift from the Maya, these fantastic little fruits are chock-full of nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and lycopene, a powerful anti-oxidant. You can smother everything in salsa and not gain weight. And the spicier the better! Spicy foods are a terrific way to kill sugar cravings. Bonus!

Fresh Guacamole

Guacamole is basically just mashed avocado. Eating the healthy fats in avocados can help to reduce belly fat. Considered to be a superfood, avocado also consists of proteins and amino acids, cartenoids, and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, plus it’s mucho tasty!

Veggie Chips

You want to skip the starchy chips for your guacamole and salsa. Use sliced cucumber rounds, baby bell peppers or jicama spears instead. Veggie chips will keep Cinco de Mayo from adding cinco pound-os to your hips and thigh-os.


If you’ve never tried it, you don’t know what you’re missing! Ceviche is a citrus-marinated seafood dish typically served with raw veggies such as bell pepper, onion, and parsley. Crazy good, packed with fat-burning protein, and good FOR you!

Carne Asada

Very popular in Mexican culture, this is basically a grilled steak smothered with Mexican spices, usually served with grilled veggies and salsa. Try it with a salsa verde– yum! Keep in mind that chicken can be used instead of beef so if you’re not into red meat, you can still enjoy this south-of-the-border favorite.


The smell…The sizzle…The smoke… Is your mouth watering at the thought?

You can load up on this lean dish. Not only is it tasty, it’s healthy, too! Eat the meat with savory sides like sauteed bell peppers and onions, salsa, guacamole, and cheese and you can enjoy this awesome little dish without a side of guilt. As long as you don’t wrap ’em up with tortillas, you don’t have to fret about getting fat.

Mock Margaritas

And remember…avoiding alcohol altogether is best…but if you just CAN’T IMAGINE having a Cinco de Mayo feast without a margarita, keep in mind that some restaurants offer sugar-free mock versions. Call ahead and find out if this is an option! Make your own at home with these fun recipes, too!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

The Science
Avocados can reduce belly fat: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17384344
Spicy foods help reduce sweet cravings: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031938410004063
Protein helps you burn fat: https://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/87/5/1558S.long

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