A Renewed Dedication! ~by Pastor Mark Cyril



William Tindale imageI awoke this morning with a RENEWED DEDICATION after reading about the life of William Tyndale.

Born in 1494 and died in 1539; killed and burnt to a stake for translating The Bible to English; William Tyndale’s life and sacrifice offer a profound challenge to today’s church leadership. (See the Tyndale Bible.)

Tyndale risked everything to ensure that the Word of God could be accessible to all, not just to the elite few.

His commitment to truth, despite opposition from religious authorities, demonstrates a level of devotion and courage that is often lacking in modern Church Leadership.

Today, we see many church leaders more focused on maintaining power, status, and material gain rather than upholding the integrity of The Gospel.

Tyndale’s mission was clear — he wanted the scriptures to be understood by every man, woman, and child, regardless of their station in life.

In contrast, some leaders today seem more concerned with building empires and elevating themselves rather than empowering believers with the truth of God’s Word.

How many are willing to sacrifice their comfort, wealth, or even their lives to ensure that the truth of The Gospel reaches the most vulnerable?

His Life, a Challenge to Today’s Church Leadership

The challenge for The Church today is to return to that same heart — willing to stand for Truth, even when it costs everything.

Church Leaders must ask themselves: Are they truly serving God’s People, or are they simply preserving their own positions?

Tyndale’s legacy reminds us that true leadership is not about self-promotion but about sacrificial service to God’s mission.

In his own words, he prayed that The LORD would “open the King of England’s eyes.”

Today, we should pray for God to open the eyes of Church Leaders to the real call of The Gospel.


~ Mark Cyril

Mark CyrilAuthor, teacher, motivational and conference speaker, Pastor Mark Cyril is the international President of CYRIL MARK WORLD EVANGELISM – an independent ministry taking the message of the cross across the Nations turning many in their numbers to salvation through Jesus Christ. He is also the Senior Pastor of Revelation Apostolic Community; an apostolic and Prophetic Word based ministry in Abuja the capital city of Nigeria – West Africa.

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