Chariots of Antichrist, Wheels of Righteous Revolution! ~by Veronika West



A Prophetic Dream Unveiled : Chariots of Antichrist, Wheels of Righteous Revolution

So, in the early hours of this morning, 24 September 2024, had a strange Dream/ Vision, where I saw only the wheels of many chariots being driven hard through thick desert sands.

Now as I was watching in the dream, I knew by The Spirit I was being shown something that was going to take place in the days ahead.

In the dream, I could feel the intensity of War and the heat of Battle all around me.

I knew the Wheels of these Chariots were the forces of Gods enemies. This was an Antichrist movement on the earth that was now beginning to advance, with even greater power and acceleration on the earth.

I knew by The Spirit that these were the Ruling Powers of the Ancient’s resurfacing on the Earth/

They were gaining ground and taking new territory. They were moving with great acceleration and momentum across The Nations.

These Chariots belonged to the Ruling Babylonian Pharaohs who were now Rising and Riding across The Nations, bringing great destruction and death in their wake.

But then suddenly, the Dream Shifts and I heard these Words, “The Great Exodus and Fall of Babylon!”

Then I heard the Words, ”Exodus 14:25 in 5785” — but again suddenly, the Dream shifts for a second time and I see Chariot wheels again, moving at great speed.

As I look at the Wheels, I know that these are powerful War Chariots, and I could see sharp blades attached to the Wheels of the Chariots.

A great sense of anticipation begins to rise in the dream, and I know by The Spirit that these are the Chariot Wheels of a Righteous Revolution Rising on the Earth — the Rise of an Ezekiel Movement — a Wheel within a Wheel Ezekiel Movement — that is coming in Resurrection Power to the Valley of Dry Bones.

I can see in the Dream, a fierce Battle is unfolding. Two Altars — rising in the Valley of Decision.

But then I hear a strange riddle, “This is The Hour of The Clash of Titan Chariots, and the Rise and Fall of Empires!

Watch! For in the Desert Sands shall come Divine Intervention by My Sovereign Hand, that shall shock and surprise many in the land.

I say: Tick-tock, the clock strikes 12 — a Red October and a November to remember!

A sudden Crash and a loud Clash shall be heard around the globe — and Nations held in derision shall hear My Laugh from Heaven!”

I suddenly woke up, grabbed my journal and began to record it all, but as I opened my eyes, I heard the Spirit say, ”The Day of Atonement draws near for a Great Awakening of Nations is Here!

I say again: “Exodus 14:25 in 5785!” “

On hearing those Words, I immediately looked at Exodus 14:25 which says,

“He clogged the wheels of their chariots; they were stuck in the sand. The Egyptians said, “Run from Israel! God is fighting on their side and against Egypt!” Exodus 14:25.

“And He took off their chariot wheels, so that they drove them with difficulty; and the Egyptians said, “Let us flee from the face of Israel, for the Lord fights for them against the Egyptians” Exodus 14:25 NKJV

“And bound (clogged, took off) their chariot wheels, making them drive heavily; and the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel, for the Lord fights for them against the Egyptians!” Exodus 14:25 AMPC

Notes to Prayerfully Consider:

  • 14:25 :- 1+4+2+5=(12)  14+25= 39   3+9= (12)
  • 12th October — Yom Kippur : Day of Atonement!
  • 12 — Meaning; Government- Divine Order
  • Historical Events 12th October : 539 BC : The Army of Cyrus the Great of Persia takes Babylon!
  • Prophetic Disclaimer:
    Please let me reiterate I am simply communicating what I have seen and heard by The Spirit.
    Clearly, God has highlighted many things through this dream encounter and Prophecy is simply revealing the Heart of God concerning a matter.
    Do not lean on your own understanding — watch and pray — be led by The Spirit on how to pray.
    Do not assume or jump to conclusions on when and how God will do something. We Are instructed to stay vigilant, sober and praying without ceasing. God’s ways are not our ways!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West Veronika West

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