Is Revival Over-Emphasized? – Discerning Dad


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Below is a blog post summarizing the episode


In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of “revival” in the church has often been both celebrated and scrutinized. We talk about it, pray for it, and yearn for it. But are we truly prepared for what revival means and the responsibilities it entails? In this episode of The Eyes on Jesus Podcast, Drew and Tim delve deeply into the subject of revival, its implications, and the practical steps needed to foster it in our lives and communities.

The Hunger for Revival

Tim begins our discussion with a pertinent observation: “I have this confidence of eternity, but just like you are physically hungry the next day after you eat, we should be consistently hungry for more of God.” This statement highlights a critical point – spiritual hunger is a continuous, relentless pursuit, similar to our physical needs.

In American Christianity, we often find ourselves “so full of ourselves” and “of things that make our lives comfortable,” that fitting God into our schedule becomes challenging. The solution, Tim proposes, is a consistent, insatiable hunger for God, akin to the persistent appetite one has for physical nourishment.

Why Revival?

Throughout history, revival has been a powerful term. Tim elaborates, “What does it mean to have people stirred and brought to a service, a building, brought to the Lord in a radical way, which is what you see in many revivals.” The study of past revivals, from the Great Awakenings to more recent events like Asbury, reveals a recurring pattern – a profound hunger for God’s presence and a commitment to living out one’s faith radically.

Drew adds to this discussion by pointing out the contemporary misuse and overemphasis of the term “revival.” Revival, he argues, should not be seen as the ultimate goal but as a byproduct of a deeply committed Christian life. He likens revival for Christians to awakening for the unsaved, emphasizing that both are necessary yet distinct experiences.

Setting Up for Revival

The conversation naturally transitions to the practical application of these insights. Drew challenges leaders and church members to not just pray for revival but to prepare for it. “Do you believe someone will get baptized today? If someone wanted to get baptized today, could they?” This level of expectancy should permeate every aspect of church life, from Sunday services to everyday interactions.

The Stalwart Christian

Tim shares a poignant contrast between two Christians he knows – one struggling with faith after losing a spouse, and another battling cancer for the fourth time but radiating faith and strength. This stark difference underscores the importance of spiritual preparedness and intimacy with Christ. “Are you covered in the dust of your rabbi?” This question pushes us to evaluate our own spiritual disciplines and proximity to Jesus.

Practical Steps for Revival

Prayer remains the cornerstone of any revival. “If you study any revival, the foundation is built on prayer,” Tim asserts. The story of Daniel Nash, a prayer warrior who prepared the ground for revivalists, serves as a powerful reminder of prayer’s significance. Whether it’s personal intercession, community prayer walks, or strategic prayers for church and community leaders, consistent and heartfelt prayer paves the way for God’s move.

Tim also encourages believers to stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in their everyday lives. It could be as simple as praying for a server at a restaurant or showing kindness to a spouse. Such actions, prompted by the Spirit, reflect a life led by God and not merely by personal convenience.


As the discussion draws to a close, Drew and Tim reiterate that revival is not an end in itself but a call to deeper discipleship. “We can’t just be chasing what’s exciting,” Tim says, reminding us of the unglamorous yet crucial daily habits that build a solid spiritual foundation.

Ultimately, our goal should be to spread the light of Christ through authentic witness and everyday actions. By prioritizing prayer, involvement in church activities, and a disciplined relationship with Jesus, everyone can contribute to creating a culture ready for revival.

Call to Action

For those inspired by this discussion, consider the following steps:

  1. Increase Your Prayer Life: If you pray a little, pray more. Seek strategic ways to intercede for your church and community.
  2. Engage in Your Church: Join a small group, volunteer, or participate in community outreach.
  3. Live Authentically: Spread the light of Christ through your daily actions and words.
  4. Stay Expectant: Always be prepared for God to move, whether in small or significant ways.

Revival starts with you. Are you ready?

For more insights and discussions, don’t forget to subscribe to The Eyes on Jesus Podcast with Drew and Tim. Share your thoughts and experiences with us at, and let’s journey together toward a deeper, more impactful faith.

Conclusion Note

This blog post summarizes an episode of The Eyes on Jesus Podcast. For the full discussion, insights, and practical applications, be sure to listen to the episode and share it with those who might be blessed by it.

Until next time, go with God, grow in discernment, and keep your eyes on Jesus.

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