5 Steps To Heal Your Dog’s Lick Granuloma


Lick granuloma sounds fancy, but you’ll recognize clinical signs of this simple animal behavior almost immediately. It’s the constant licking of one spot on your dog’s leg. It’s red and inflamed and just won’t heal. It’s a constant cycle of itching and licking. That’s a lick granuloma. It’s as stressful for you as it is for your dog.

Aside from the risk of causing a skin lesion, ick granuloma is also a sign of other things that could be going on with your dog. Here’s what a lick granuloma could be hiding and how you can start healing it and other things in your dog’s life. 

But first, let’s talk about what it is and how your dog got it.

What Does Lick Granuloma Look Like?

Lick granuloma may also be referred to as acral lick dermatitis or acral lick granulomas. Either way, your furry friend causes this injury to himself through chronic licking.

Usually your dog will lick a spot on the front legs between the elbow and toes …often at the wrist. It might even look like a hot spot.