Should Moms Concealed Carry? A Comprehensive Guide


Should Moms Concealed Carry? 

Perhaps your husband, co worker or partner is a concealed carrier and and they suggest you consider getting a gun to concealed carry.

If someone suggests you concealed carry, they are doing so for your safety because they want you to be prepared, and able to protect yourself at all times.

The training you receive will increase your situational awareness and help you be alert at all times.

However, for some women it can be an intimidating proposition especially if you did not grow up around guns or have not gone shooting before.

If you are unsure and don’t know if you should concealed carry you have come to the right place!

It’s wise of you to be taking the initiative and doing some research before acting on this advice to carry a firearm because it is a big decision that only you can make.


You might feel unsure or nervous about the prospect of carrying a gun.

So what do you do? Should you take their advice? 

In this article, we will explore some of the things you need to think about to help you decide if concealed carry is for you.

In today’s unpredictable world, personal safety has become a primary concern for many women. The rise in crime rates, prolonged police response times, and various other threats have led people to seek ways to protect themselves and their loved ones. Concealed carry, (the practice of carrying a concealed firearm), has become a viable option for many people who find themselves in potentially dangerous situations.

Let’s start by considering some of the situations you may face in life that may require you to be able to defend yourself and your children.

Slow Police Response Times

The average police response time to emergency calls can vary significantly, depending on the location. Waiting minutes or even hours for law enforcement to arrive during an urgent situation can be life-threatening. Having the means to defend oneself immediately through concealed carry can make a significant difference in life-threatening scenarios.

  • Living or Working in High-Crime Areas
  • If you live or work in areas with high crime rates, poverty, and gang activity, personal safety can be a constant concern. Concealed carry offers an added layer of security when facing potential threats that law enforcement may not be able to address in time.


  • Living alone
  • If you live alone and have no one that could protect you in the case of a home invasion, carrying a gun that you can defend yourself in a home invasion is a potential solution. If you return home late at night and somebody ambushes you as you are walking from your car or as you are entering your house, having a gun on your person could save your life. 


  • Protection from Personal Enemies
  • If you have experienced domestic violence, harassment, stalking, or threats from personal enemies can find reassurance in concealed carry. Perhaps you are going through a divorce or have a mentally unstable person in your personal life who could potentially be violent.

    If you report threats to the police, all they can do is document it in the event that you are attacked, they cannot prevent someone who threatened you from attacking you, or arrest them before the attack happens.

    The police can only document and arrest after the fact, which could be far too late. Having a gun is a stop gap between reporting the threat and then being a victim if the attacker follows through with their threats.

    It provides a sense of control and security in dangerous situations, empowering victims to protect themselves.

  • Night Shift Workers and Late-Night Travelers
  • If you work late at night or frequently travel during odd hours you may find yourself in vulnerable positions. Concealed carry can provide you with the means to deter potential attackers and escape dangerous situations.

  • Dealing with Unstable Individuals
  • If you work in a profession that involves dealing with unstable or angry individuals, concealed carry can act as a necessary safeguard. It ensures personal safety when facing potentially dangerous clients, customers, or tenants.

    Examples of professions that are not law enforcement but could still have a risk for violent interactions might be – a landlord, property management, debt collector, repossessor, tow company, social work, child protective services, realtor, mental health professions, parole officer, rehab facilities, parking enforcement, a job that deals with intoxicated people (bouncer or bartender). The list goes on. You might work in one of these fields and never considered that there could be a risk of violence. 

  • The Threat of Civil Unrest
  • In times of civil unrest or public turmoil, personal safety can be at risk. Concealed carry offers you the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones during such uncertain times.

  • Mass shootings

    Unfortunately we live in the times when mass shootings have become all too common. They can occur anywhere, any place, any time. 

    Wherever there’s a large group of people present – it’s a potential target.

    Anywhere from a place of worship, to concerts, sporting events, parades, the mall or even somewhere as small as a restaurant.

    Some of these places are unavoidable and carrying a gun could give you peace of mind. 

    Carrying a gun could save not only your life but also everybody around you that are being shot at.

  • Protecting Valuables and High-Risk Professions
  • If you work in high-risk professions, such as law enforcement, banking, jewelry, or journalism, you may often encounter dangerous situations. Concealed carry provides an added layer of protection for you and the assets you are responsible for safeguarding.

  • Vulnerability to Hate Crimes and Discrimination
  • If you are targeted due to your race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality, concealed carry can provide a sense of security against potential hate crimes and acts of discrimination.

  • Personal Health and Physical Limitations
  • If you have physical disabilities, limited strength, or are elderly, you may find it challenging to defend yourself physically. Concealed carry levels the playing field, allowing you to protect yourself effectively.

    Unfortunately, many women are attacked when walking to their car. It’s hard to defend yourself, never mind yourself and one or two children. Abductions, unfortunately, happen all too often.

    When you are with children, your situational awareness can be compromised as your focus can be taken by your children. Kidnapping and child trafficking is a very real thing and human traffickers are more likely to target mothers that are alone with their children. 

    Keeping an eye on them is a full-time job, and criminals like to attack the distracted! 

    A lot more goes into carrying a gun than you may think; it’s not just about buying a revolver at Cabelas with your partner, throwing it in your purse “just in case,”  forgetting about it, never shooting it, or knowing how to properly use it.

    The gun then becomes a liability rather than an asset. 

    For example:

    • It could be stolen from your purse, car or home.
    • It could be misused by someone who shouldn’t have access to it (like a child).
    • A bad guy could take it from you during an attack.
    • You could have a negligent discharge and injure someone.
    • You could shoot yourself if you have the wrong holster or have not practiced your draw.
    • You could forget it is in your purse or bag and accidentally try to take it past TSA at the airport.
    • You could accidentally cross state lines into another state that has different laws when it comes to guns and find yourself in hot water.
    • You may not know legally when it is ok to draw and think it is ok to draw to intimidate someone if you feel threatened and you do not understand how to correctly judge what an imminent threat of deadly force is.
    • If you are intimidated easily you would have to be careful discerning when to draw.
    • Drawing your gun and not firing it is aggravated assault; the only time the gun should leave your holster is if you are 100% going to shoot to stop a deadly threat.
    • You could accidentally shoot an innocent person, face A LOT of criminal charges, and be financially ruined as well as locked up. It could literally ruin your life—the psychological toll as well as the financial and legal toll.
    • You could pull it out on a bad guy to save your life and forget the safety is on and get yourself killed.
    • You could be focussed on the threat and not know your back stop (whatever is around/behind the target) and shoot an innocent bystander by missing your target or the round passing through the threat and hitting someone behind them.
    • You could have the bad guy take your gun from you because you are scared, hesitant, not confident with your gun, draw or ability to shoot and hit the target, or simply not mentally able to shoot the threat in the moment because you didn’t do the mental preparation beforehand on the day you decided to carry a gun.

    You need to know yourself and be able to assess if you are impulsive and reckless or if you are stable, sane, level headed, responsible and safety conscious.

    You should have no substance abuse problems, mental health issues or suicidal tendencies.

    If you are not passionate about carrying you are less likely to train with your firearm which is essential to safe concealed carry.

    You have to ask yourself –  Am I willing to potentially take a life to save a life?

    Could you shoot someone to stop them from hurting yourself or others?

    If the answer is no, don’t carry a gun.

    Plain and simple I can save you time, and you can stop reading this article right here because everything else after this paragraph is irrelevant if you are not willing to take a life to save a life!

    If the answer is yes, then read on, as these are the considerations you have to take into account before deciding to carry a gun.


    • Training
    • Gun safety class and CCW permit
    • Gun handling skills
    • Practice with weapons and be proficient
    • Safe holster
    • Willingness to use
    • CCW insurance
    • Safe gun storage

    If you have particular concerns about your safety, having reflected on the list of potential threats above, you may wish to consider all the above and take action to keep yourself and your family safe.

    However, don’t carry if:

    • Someone else is coercing you to and you don’t want to carry.
    • You are afraid or uncomfortable carrying a gun.
    • You don’t have any experience with guns and aren’t prepared to go for training.
    • You aren’t prepared to practice with your gun.
    • You are unsure if you could shoot a gun.
    • You don’t have CCW insurance.
    • You don’t know your local laws.
    • You don’t have a safe holster.
    • You don’t have safe storage.
    • You aren’t going to commit to carrying and training regularly.

    A lot of these things can be mitigated. The psychological, financial, and legal sides of things are where Concealed Carry insurance and protection come in. They provide counseling, legal advice, a 24/7 hotline in the event you use your firearm in a self-defense encounter and a lawyer of your choice. This helps you a lot if you have to defend yourself.

    Gun handling isn’t rocket science. 

    To summarize, if you follow these four fairly simple rules they will keep you safe.

    1. Know your local laws; you will learn the basics in your state-certified CCW class, and there are usually resources on your state’s government or local law enforcement website. You can always consult a lawyer. The USCCA also has great resources on their website, blog, and YouTube channel. If in doubt, consult with a lawyer; do not make assumptions. We want to be law-abiding citizens and able to carry legally; if you screw this up, it can be costly and you can lose your gun rights!
    2. Gun safety; Gun handling and CCW classes are not the end of your education and training; they are just the beginning. Getting out to the range and shooting regularly is not just important but also FUN. Make it a hobby and enjoy going out to fire some rounds and blow off some steam. Have fun while you train with your gun. If you really want to take your skills to the next level and have a competitive spirit, you can join IDPA or IPSC and go to competitions to put your skills to the test!
    3. Gun storage is important. You can have a safe at home, in your car, and make sure you always keep your firearm safe and secure when you are not carrying.
    4. Get a good holster for when you are carrying, which is why we are here. Holster Central is designed to provide the safest concealed carry holsters on the market for a fair, competitive price with quick-ship holsters that ship same-day or next-day and have free shipping!

    Final Thoughts and Conclusion

    Ultimately, the decision to carry a concealed weapon should be made with careful consideration of all of the factors involved, including personal values, lifestyle, and a commitment to ongoing training.  

    As discussed, it’s very important to recognize that carrying a concealed weapon also comes with significant responsibilities and potential risks. 

    It is crucial to continually assess your mental and emotional readiness, continuously educate yourself on proper firearm usage, regularly practicing at shooting ranges, and regularly reviewing and staying updated on any changes in local laws, legislation, or regulations. 

    You must also assess your own abilities, circumstances and weigh up both the benefits and potential consequences, ensuring that personal safety remains the top priority.   

    The final decision on whether to get a concealed carry permit is a deeply personal one that requires thorough consideration and preparation. 

    By understanding the laws, undergoing proper training, and maintaining a responsible attitude, individuals can make a well-informed choice that prioritizes their personal safety and the safety of others. 

    Responsible concealed carry can empower individuals to protect themselves and potentially save lives when faced with dangerous situations.

    Remember the choice is yours as to whether you carry and hopefully you can now carefully consider if it is right for you.

    For me personally, the pros far outweigh the cons and it’s a right that we can exercise and take advantage of that many places around the globe cannot. 

    Check out our other blogs for more information on concealed carrying and if you need any advice on anything you have read here please feel free to contact us at