Overcoming Harmful Habits


Creating a Harmful Habit Checklist is a great way to identify and address behaviors that might be negatively impacting your life. Here’s a sample checklist to help you evaluate and tackle harmful habits:

  • Are my thoughts consumed with it? 
  • Is my time scheduled around it? 
  • Could my health be harmed by it? 
  • Does my guilt increase because of it? 
  • Are my finances affected by it? 
  • Am I defensive when asked about it? 
  • Are my relationships hurt by it? 
  • Am I upset when I can’t do it? 
  • Is my spiritual growth hindered by it? 
  • Have I been asked to stop it? 
  • Would I discourage my children from doing it? 
  • Do I hide it from others? 
  • Would Jesus avoid doing it? 
  • Does it diminish my witness for Christ?

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