Sinister Political Agendas Will Be Exposed! ~by Syreeta Thomas


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The Breaking of Spiritual Laws

One of the reasons there is so much turmoil in our personal lives and nations is because of the breaking of spiritual laws.

The Bible clearly and explicitly stated in The Book of Galatians,

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:7-8.

While 1 Corinthians gives us a very stark warning:

Flee fornication.” Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18

The word “body” is still to be understood as used of the whole “human nature,” which is spoken of in 1 Corinthians 6:19 as the temple of the Holy Ghost.

Other sins may profane only Outer Courts of The Temple; this sin penetrates with its deadly foulness into the very Holy of Holies!

What we ought to understand, is that once we begin to fornicate, those parts of our body used to sin will become the enemy’s habitat, hence causing you to transgress against the Most High and give the enemy legal rights to operate.

People are using their temples (bodies) to worship “strange gods” through sex and that’s why God told us do not do as the heathens!

The Holy Spirit says “Fornication has opened many portals sexual and spiritual fornication.

Governments have fornicated with the great whore on the seas, and My People have committed sexual immorality which I have constantly warned against fornicated with demigods!”

Sinister Political Agendas Will Be Exposed!

I believe there is a Word from The LORD Jesus.

Monday, September 23, 2024. Now publishing, as I waited for confirmation from The Holy Spirit.

Refashioning and Rebuilding of The Church — Sinister political agendas will be exposed.

I heard, “I AM refashioning My Bride, rebuilding My House.

It has been ruined through moral decay.

I AM steadily — yet vehemently — removing the leavened from My Body! I’ve had enough!

Tell My Priests to repent — or likewise perish — for their sins have become an abomination to Me.

I have seen everyone in their Chambers, but because I have been silent, they think I AM one with them.

Plumbline GraphicI AM patient and long-suffering — but now I draw a Plumb-line.

The Latter Glory of My House will be greater than the former — as I purify and I will make all things new.

Tell My People, trust not in the political systems of this world, for there is none better, but look to Me, from whence come their help.

They that call on My Name shall be saved and upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance.

It will not get better in the political arena , their hearts are evil.

But I will expose their sinisterism and remove their masks , and I will cause many disruptions and expose their agendas.

I will not allow My People to be crushed under the weight of their tyranny and dictatorship.

There is nothing hid from Me, dark and light are all the same.

Every covenant signed and every agreement made — I know of it!

The Scarlet Woman is only a pawn in a more grandeur scheme, even she will be removed.”

Submitted Thursday September 26, 2024 for Intercession.


~ Syreeta Thomas

Syreeta ThomasSyreeta Thomas

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