Test of summer metal raised garden beds temperature| VEGEGA


As the temperatures get higher, many gardeners get concerned about their plants in metal raised garden beds. Namely, there has been a worry among plant lovers that plants and herbs might not thrive during the hot days because of metal getting hotter. Although the assumptions have been circulating over the internet for a long time, the results show something different.

That is, before you get anxious about your metal beds, it is wise to get proof of the impact these beds have on the plants in your garden.

That is why we have tested how plants behave in higher temperatures in metal garden beds. 

Testing Metal Garden Beds and Their Effects on Higher Temperature

Since the concerns about metal raised garden beds have been an issue among gardeners, we have decided to do a quick test. After all, we want to show you facts and not let you wallow in assumptions. Plus, it is better to rely on tried and tested instead of experimenting yourself. So, we took the liberty to do all the testing!

For this measuring process, we used a garden with different kinds of plants and vegetables. Some of the plants require warmer temperatures, while others do not. Therefore, if the metal garden bed gets too hot, logically, the plant inside is not expected to thrive. However, we got some different results – quite surprising ones!

First, we measured the temperature outside, which was quite normal considering it was summer. More precisely, it was 93 degrees, a lovely warm summer day. After that, we measured the temperature of the metal beds, which expectedly was about 89 and 90 degrees. But then, it was the moment of truth. We measured the temperature of the soil inside the metal garden bed. And you would expect to be incredibly hot from the metal and sunshine, but actually, it was a completely different story! In ALL of the garden beds, the soil temperature was below 90 – meaning it was not hotter than the temperature of the flower beds. So, naturally, we concluded that the metal raised garden beds DO NOT affect the temperature of the soil, i.e., they do not raise it.

The metal panels dissipate heat better when exposed to the sun, so there is no chance of the soil inside the bed getting too hot and burning the roots of your plants. In addition, the garden beds are enclosed by rubber edging, so even if you work in the sun, you don’t have to worry about overheating the beds and getting burned. 

But the point is we don’t do partial testing or showing what we want to prove. The garden we used has different kinds of plants, flowers, and vegetables with just as different requirements. They grow without any issues, and they seem unaffected by the temperatures of the metal beds. Even though it is true and expected that metal will get warmer quickly when exposed to heat, it does not affect the soil or the growth and development of plants. You don’t have to do any guesswork now that you have the results! If you need more proof, you can also do a quick test that will prove what we already established.

Ps: Here is the testing video on Instagram.

Do Other Garden Beds Get Hotter During Summer? 

Whatever bed material you choose for your raised bed garden, you should expect your beds to get hotter. It is a normal reaction to summer heat. However, the temperatures that reach the beds do not harm the plants.

For instance, even if you choose a wooden flower bed, you will notice that it will get hotter than the soil. That does not mean that your plants will be affected or damaged. You might hear or read a lot of things, but results show different effects. Therefore, you should not be concerned about the development of your plants if you decide to use metal beds for your garden. 

Also read: Is It Safe to Use Metal Raised Garden Beds?

Using The Faster Warming Up of a Metal Flower Bed as An Advantage

Faster growth of plants

Since metal raised beds get warmer faster, especially during summer months, you can use this property as an advantage. In essence, metal absorbs more heat on the sides and keeps the sides of the soil warmer. However, the soil in the center of your bed keeps a normal temperature, which is good for your flowers, vegetables, and other plants.

Since metal maintains the temperature, your plants will get the warmth that keeps them growing. Moreover, some plants that need warm conditions will thrive and grow faster. In other words, your garden will blossom faster than expected, which is the whole point of gardening.

Therefore, when you opt for a metal raised bed garden, you establish conditions for your plants to flourish faster. 

17” Tall 6.5×2 Garden Boxes Raised (6 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

Our 17″ tall 6.5×2 garden boxes are famous among most gardeners. Firstly, their optimal drainage system provides an environment where vegetables can grow freely in high-rainfall areas. Furthermore, the raised boxes significantly curtail many planting tasks, including fertilizing and weeding.

This system also requires less cleaning and no maintenance or replacement for 20 years. Lastly, it requires no DIY skills and its assembly is remarkably straightforward.

  • Metal sheet material: Zn-Al-Mg steel
  • Screw and nut material: stainless steel
  • Bracing rod material: aluminum alloy
  • Size: 17 in.H x 6.5 ft.L x 2 ft.W
  • Package list: Hand wrench*1/ Rubber edging *1 roll/ Screw&nut*1 set/ 17″ high corner panel*4/ 17″ high side panel*6/ Bracing rods*2

Garden Boxes Benefits

Improved Soil Quality in Garden Boxes

Raised boxes prevent soil compaction and improve drainage. This promotes healthier root growth. Gardeners can control the soil mix, creating the best environment for specific plants.

Reduced Weeds and Pests Out of Garden Boxes

Because raised boxes are elevated, they reduce weed growth and keep pests away. This makes maintenance simpler. Elevated boxes can deter common pests like slugs and snails, helping plants thrive.

Easier Management and Harvesting

The height of the boxes makes planting and harvesting convenient. This is especially helpful for those who struggle to bend down. Gardeners can work comfortably and enjoy their plants without strain.

Better Drainage and Preventing Waterlogging

Raised garden boxes typically have good drainage systems. This prevents water from pooling around the roots, reducing the risk of diseases. Healthy drainage supports strong plant growth.

Increased Planting Space

Even in small areas, raised garden boxes offer more planting options. They fit well in backyards, patios, or balconies. This allows gardeners to maximize their space for growing plants.

Aesthetic Appeal and Customization

Raised boxes come in various materials and designs. They can be customized to match personal styles and garden aesthetics. From rustic wood to modern metal, these boxes enhance the garden’s overall look.

Overall, garden boxes not only promote healthier plants but also make gardening a more enjoyable and manageable experience.

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Increased plant health

When the soil is heated from the sides, it allows your plants to intake more nutrients leading to better health. Like people, plants need nutrients to stay in good condition, and warm soil creates nutrients. Moreover, the roots become stronger, leading to more vigorous growth. 

Prevents increased weed growth

Gardeners know how annoying weed growth can be around beautiful nourished plants. Since metal absorbs heat faster and keeps the sides hot, it reduces weed growth significantly. Namely, it does not mean weed growth will stop altogether, but it will be reduced. Therefore, you will not have to maintain your plants’ surroundings very frequently, and your garden can stay amazing for extended periods. It is an incredibly convenient feature for busy gardeners.


If you have invested in metal raised garden beds for your plants, you do not have to worry about them getting damaged during the summer months. In fact, you should use the advantages that metal provides for your garden vegetables and flowers. Our test has shown that a garden can flourish with metal beds, so you can relax and enjoy the greenery of your thriving plants!

For more advice and information on gardening, check out our VEGEGA blogs.