Called, Chosen, Equipped ~by June Sheltrown Reinke



“Be a doer of My WORD and Work that I have called and chosen and equipped you to do,” says The LORD.

“For I did not call you to observe and be idle. I did not call you to sit on the grandstands and cheer.

“I have given you work to do and empowered you to fulfill everything that I have called you to do in My Kingdom.

“You cannot remain in the closet or back side of the dessert. For I have already revealed Myself onto you and given you the vision that you are to pursue,” says The LORD.

“DO IT! Do not wait for a brighter day but be the light that I have created you to be,” says The LORD.

“My light in you will shine forth in darkness, and the darkness will not put it out. The light will penetrate and expel the darkness and defeat the defeat around you.

“For life is above death, light is greater than darkness, and victory is never defeated.

“I will destroy the destructive works of the evil one and use you, as you engage in what I have revealed to you.

“Do not go in yourself and your own ability and strength, and abandon your own inferior opinions and the opinions of others, and pursue Me.

“For as you live and move and have your being in Me, you will know NO limitations, and you will arise and walk into your destiny purpose and fulfill the Work that I have called you to do, and you will be complete in Me,” says The LORD.

First published: April 26, 2018.

~ June Sheltrown Reinke

June Sheltrown ReinkeDr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.

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