River of Glory ~by June Sheltrown Reinke



“Wade out deeper in the river of My Glory,” says The LORD.

“Let go of the safety of the shore line and launch out into the deep. The waters that are to swim in are where I want you to be.

“You do not need to rest your feet on solid ground but know that I AM your sure foundation.

“You can trust in Me, that I will keep you from drowning and use you for My glory, as you let go of your comfort and control and let Me become your complete trust.

“I will maneuver you and shape you and use you as I please when you let go of that which you see as secure and place your whole life in My hands,” says The LORD.

“I AM your security, and I am your place of safety,” says The LORD.

“Let go of the things you are holding onto as your security and know that I have you in the shelter of My holy hands.

“As long as you hold onto anything that you trust in, you are not holding onto Me. Let Me bring you into a new level of trust as you launch out into the deep and take the risks that will be required of you.

“For when you give all for My Kingdom, I will give you My Kingdom, and your purpose will unfold, and the river of My Glory will flow out of you, and not only be life in you, but around you to bring healing and deliverance and life to all you touch and reach for My Kingdom, by My Power and for My Glory,” says The LORD.


~ June Sheltrown Reinke

June Sheltrown ReinkeDr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.

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