“With Floriday, we make the whole chain more efficient”


“Our world is already quite digital. Based on conversations I have with colleagues in other sectors, I would venture to say that floriculture is among the leaders in digitization. This is not something that has happened to us, because, after all, we are at the controls ourselves. Remote buying (KOA) took off quickly at the time, partly due to the availability of high-quality telecom connections, and subsequently became the standard. With the introduction of Floriday at the Trade Fair in 2017, floriculture actually really stepped into the digital age. The Floriday of then did not remotely resemble the Floriday of today. The same can be said about our cooperative. Royal FloraHolland has transformed from a traditional auction company to a platform cooperative that also auctions.”

Completion of merger
“A lot of hard work has gone into building a uniform IT infrastructure within Royal FloraHolland in recent years, based on modern technology standards. We are saying goodbye to all the old IT still in use at the various locations. This effectively completes the 2008 IT merger. In about two years’ time, we will have a state-of-the-art infrastructure to which growers and buyers, large and small, can easily connect. We combine a digital platform with a logistics platform. Our digital platform brings together all the cooperative’s functionalities: the transaction side (clock and direct), logistics services and financial settlement.”

Read more at Royal Flora Holland.

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