Baroness Cox gives ‘120,000 reasons’ why Azerbaijan must be held to account for atrocities in Nagorno Karabakh


By Caitlin McCaugherty, Social Media and Communications Intern at HART

In a noisy world, HART seeks to elevate the voices of local people and highlight their priorities for aid and development.

During a recent visit to Washington DC, our Founder, Baroness Cox, spoke to the international campaign group 120,000 Reasons – which takes its name from the 120,000 ethnic Armenians who, until recently, called Nagorno Karabakh home. This initiative calls on the US Government to take decisive action in support of the displaced Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh. We proudly stand as a member of this coalition.

The competing claims by Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh reached a significant climax in 2023, when Azerbaijan’s 9-month-long blockade of the Lachin corridor resulted in the forced displacement of over 100,000 ethnic Armenians from the region. Unfortunately, the conflict has historically received minimal media attention or international recognition, allowing continuous violations of international humanitarian law to be perpetuated against the people of Nagorno Karabakh with impunity.

Such violations by Azerbaijan’s military include: the use of imprecise weaponry, such as cluster bombs, on civilians; the imprisonment of up to 100 Armenian hostages; and the blockade of the Lachin Corridor, preventing the delivery of essential supplies and humanitarian aid to the people of Nagorno Karabakh.

Vardan Tadevosyan, HART Partner and Founder of the Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre in Nagorno Karabakh, accompanied the HART delegation on the trip. His presence brought an invaluable perspective, allowing him to speak for the people of Nagorno Karabakh to an audience that had previously been unreached.

Baroness Caroline Cox’s interview with 120,000 reasons, graciously facilitated by Mariam Khaloyan, served as a crucial opportunity to raise awareness of the urgent need for international recognition and support for those displaced from Nagorno Karabakh.

When asked about her most recent visit to the region, Baroness Cox replied:

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