Bonnke, Jeffreys and Company ~by Chris G. Bennett


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This is a serious warning post — bits and pieces — but mainly about Mantles and the approaching Season of Trials.

This unfolded to me over a period of three days so it may seem a little disjointed, but please, stay with me a while.

Today, 24 September, 2024, I received a comment on a post on the urgent need for Prayer. It was a link to this audio clip of George Jeffreys speaking:

It was quite anointed — even if only 1:15m long — and I felt a prompt from The Holy Spirit to find the Reinhardt Bonnke video of his meeting just before Jeffreys died. (Facebook link).

This odd sequence of events seemed prophetically important to me!

No idea why — except that I kept thinking of the mantles carried by some people — Wigglesworth, Jeffreys, Bonnke, Kuhlman, Hagin, Allen, Roberts and more.

Current carriers would be Rodney Howard-Browne, Dutch & Tim Sheets, Amanda Grace, even Robin D Bullock, and maybe one or two others.

Each very different in their own unique way, but similar in that they carry or carried something special by way of anointing.

I felt an urgent nudge from The Holy Spirit that there’s about to be released some very important ‘historic’ mantles — not originals but suitable for today.

The way things are politically at the moment, we desperately need The Holy Spirit to guide us by His prophets and intercessors.

We need His guidance through the mazes of education, medicine, and more — which is why these old mantles, and some new ones, are going to be manifest in the coming days.

There is coming such a shaking and upheaval that intercessors and prophets will not only be needed, they will be in demand by both church and world alike as ALL will be listening to the prophets.

I AM amazed at the level and detail of Revelation given to even very minor prophets like me.

I mean, why would The LORD show people like me — now over 80 — such things?

Is it to encourage mentoring and discipling maybe?

As an aside, here is another amazing prophecy.

It’s only 12 minutes but it’s for intercessors to pray into.

It’s from A, to me and like me, a very little known prophet, yet it’s full of Revelation of vital importance to Intercessors.

Have a look for yourself?

Back to the historic Mantles!

I believe these Mantles will be given to those whom The LORD alone selects, who will be powerfully led by The Holy Spirit, and who in turn will help lead the Remnant Church through the coming turmoil of the next few months and maybe years.

I’ve said for a couple of years now that we are on the cusp of not only a huge Revival — but also on the cusp of a turmoil and persecution of The Church, the like of which hasn’t been seen in 4-500 years or longer — since Luther and the dissolution of the monasteries (around 1480-1540AD) — the Inquisition Reborn even — maybe as far back and as bad as Nero!

Yet fear not, for The LORD promises protection of a modern day Goshen.

As I’ve said before, it’s time to get really serious in our faith and in our prayers.

This is no hypothetical warning, neither is it pie in the sky nor head in the sand dreaming.

These things are upon us. The Mantles are real — but so is the threatened danger.

Let he who has ears to hear . . .


~ Chris G. Bennett

Chris G. BennettChris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.

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