Day of Atonement – Jesus and Yom Kippur • What is Yom Kippur? | Messianic Teaching | Day of Purging


Join us for Founded in Truth Fellowship services this Saturday, September 23rd, at 11:00 a.m. EST! We are excited to come together for worship, a review of this week’s Torah Portion, and a message centered around Yeshua and His saving grace. Want to meet with others over some food? Join us at 10:00 a.m. for a small breakfast and a relaxed time of fellowship.

With Yom Kippur approaching, this week we will discuss the Day of Atonement as described in the Bible, why it is so significant for Christians, and how Yeshua is connected to the event. Leviticus 16 details the arrangement of the day, the offerings, and its purpose of purging the sins of Israel from the sight of God.

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Founded in Truth Fellowship is a local Messianic church in Rock Hill, SC, led by Pastor Matthew Vander Els. The church keeps the Biblical Sabbath day, celebrates the Biblical Festivals, and honors the Torah and the Old Testament. We seek to live a life that orbits King Jesus, or as we call Him, Yeshua, and show His love in every aspect of our lives. If you are looking for online Messianic worship services, a Messianic Livestream, Messianic teachings, or a church that has sermons about Yeshua, then join us!

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