Christians Attacked in Amid Political Unrest ~by His Kingdom Prophecy



“If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.“ 1 Peter 4:14 NIV.

In Bangladesh, two Christians were beaten and detained by police during a recent escalation of violence against believers.

This incident occurred on 5 September during a visit to a local house church that was invaded by a mob.

Their aggression was focused on one of the Christians, who was interrogated on whether he was a former Muslim.

When he could not provide a definitive reply, the mob leader called the Christian’s wife to get an answer.

Police intervened but detained the two Christians overnight without medical treatment for their injuries.

One has since been released on bail but is left traumatized, while the status of the other remains uncertain.

Christian leaders are actively seeking ways to support the victims and are calling for prayers during this difficult time.

Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, the Chief Adviser of the interim government that took over from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, has made assurances that no one would face discrimination based on religion or political beliefs.

However, attacks on churches and minority communities have surged since PM Hasina’s dramatic resignation and departure from the country on 6 August after an anti-government movement by millions.

Extremists targeted converted Christians and other minorities, leading to widespread violence, including attacks on churches and the homes of believers.

Reports indicate that tribal homes belonging to Santal Christians in Dinajpur and Rajshahi were attacked, with a church vandalized in Narayanganj.

The Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council stated that hundreds of families were affected, with some receiving death threats. In Khulna, the offices of Caritas, the Catholic relief and development agency, were attacked, and a Catholic diocesan building in the capital, Dhaka, was ransacked and set ablaze, alongside numerous Hindu homes and temples.

Although the situation has since improved, Christians continue to live in fear due to sporadic incidents of violence across the country.

Many are praying for protection and healing. As one leader expressed, “My people are grieving.”

Bangladesh ranks 26th on the 2024 Open Doors World Watch List, indicating a high level of persecution for converts.

Prayer Requests

  • For the safety of believers and other religious minorities, and an end to the ongoing persecution
  • For comfort and protection for those affected by the unrest, seeking God’s provision and hope
  • For healing and restoration for victims of violence, along with strength and wisdom for local partners aiding them
  • For transformative encounters with Jesus for those hostile to Christians


Materials used by kind permission of the original author.

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