LoL Tier List: Best Champions, Ranked – Player Assist


Find out the best champions in League of Legends across all roles to have a better chance at winning in the game!

One of the biggest challenges for players in LoL matches, especially in ranked ones, is selecting the right champion. While your win in the game depends on skill and game knowledge, picking a strong, meta-relevant champion can largely increase your chances.

We’ve taken several approaches, including firsthand experience and plenty of grinding, to round up a list of the best champions across all roles in League of Legends Patch 14.18. Below, you’ll find the tier list along with insights into the best champions, highlighting their strengths and playstyles in the current meta.

Best Champions in League of Legends: Tier List

LoL Tier List-Best Champions

Whether you want to secure objectives quickly in the Jungle, dominate the Top Lane, carry your team as an ADC, or fill any other role in LoL, the list below will help you identify the best champions that can lead you to victory.

Best Jungle Champions in LoL

In our S-tier (top tier), we have:

  • Amumu
  • Jarvin
  • Hecarin
  • Kha’Zix
  • Nocturne
  • Udyr
  • Viego
  • Xin Zhao

In our A-tier (top tier), we have:

  • Bel’veth
  • Briar
  • Evelyn
  • Graves
  • Kayn
  • Master Yi
  • Nunu & Wilump
  • Shaco
  • Shyvana
  • Volibear

Jungling is one of the most dynamic and strategic roles available in LoL, offering players the chance to influence the game from the shadows. As a Jungler, you are not confined to a single lane. Instead, you roam the jungle, securing objectives, ganking lanes, and providing crucial support to your teammates. It is a vital role that can lead to an automatic loss if you fall behind. Here are the best Jungle champions that work efficiently:

LoL Tier List-Best Champions(3)


Nocturne stands out as a powerful Jungler, using his unique abilities to create chaos and secure kills across the map. Known for his dark and menacing presence, Nocturne excels at ambushing unsuspecting enemies with his ultimate, Paranoia. This not only silences opponents but allows him to get into fights with precision. Recent updates have made him even more effective, boosting his visibility and solidifying him as a top pick for anyone looking to dominate the Jungle role.


Udyr has solidified his position as a powerful Jungler, boasting a win rate of approximately 52.2%. His unique playstyle allows him to adapt to various situations, making him a versatile pick. Udyr’s ability to switch between stances grants him both mobility and damage. This guarantees effective ganks and strong objective control.


Viego, the Ruined King, remains a compelling choice for the Jungle role. He boasts a win rate of approximately 59.9%, and his pick rate has gone up by 13.5% among players in higher ranks. His unique ability to possess enemy champions after securing kills allows him to turn the tide of battle and become a significant threat in team fights.

Best ADC Champions in LoL

In our S-tier, we have:

  • Ashe
  • Fiddlestick
  • Jhin
  • Jinx
  • Kai’sa
  • Kog’maw
  • Ziggs

In our A-tier, we have:

  • Draven
  • Ezreal
  • Lucien
  • Sivir
  • Vayne

The ADC (Attack Damage Carry) role remains pivotal in shaping the outcome of matches. An ADC can be a true 1v5 menace, relying mainly on auto attacks to deal damage. With recent balance changes impacting various champions, understanding which ADCs are currently thriving is essential for players looking to maximize their effectiveness in the bot lane.

We’ve seen shifts in champion viability, with some favorites receiving buffs while others face nerfs. This alters their performance in both solo queue and professional play. Below are the best champions for ADC that stand out:


Jhin remains a strong pick in the ADC role. His unique mechanics revolve around a four-shot reload system, allowing players to focus on maximizing damage per shot rather than relying on traditional attack speed. With a win rate of approximately 52.33%, Jhin maintains his status as an S-tier champion. He has the ability to deal significant burst damage while providing utility with his crowd control abilities.


Jinx maintains her position as a top choice in the ADC role, showcasing a win rate of approximately 50.7% and a pick rate increase of 10.7%. The current patch brings an increase in her attack speed growth, enhancing her effectiveness in both lane and team fights.

Jinx’s ability to switch between her rocket launcher and minigun allows her to adapt her play style. As a result, she deals significant area damage while also excelling in single-target situations. Her combination of burst damage, utility, and scaling potential makes her a strong pick. Mastering her mechanics and understanding optimal positioning will be key to securing victories in your matches with her.


In our books, Kai’Sa has also emerged as one of the top ADC picks, with a win rate of approximately 52.7% and a significant presence in the current meta. Her unique ability to adapt her playstyle through evolving her abilities based on item purchases makes her a versatile champion in various matchups. Kai’Sa excels with engaged supports, allowing her to stack her passive quickly and dive into fights effectively. She performs well against champions like Yasuo and Kalista.

Best Top Lane Champions in LoL

In our S-tier, we have;

  • Aatrox
  • Fiora
  • Garen
  • Malphite
  • Nasus
  • Poppy
  • Sett
  • Volibear

In our A-tier, we have;

  • Draven
  • Gnar
  • Jax
  • Jajce
  • Pantheon
  • Rengar
  • Riven
  • Ryze
  • Signed

The Top Lane is a unique battleground where champions must balance sustainability, damage output, and crowd control to effectively influence both lane and team fights. In the current meta, notable changes in champions’ efficiency have occurred, with some favorites rising to prominence while others have faced challenges. Here are our picks for the best champions for Top Lane:


Aatrox continues to stand out as one of the best Top Lane champions in the game. His unique mechanics and ability to sustain through fights make him a solid choice for players looking to dominate their lane and contribute significantly in team fights. He maintains a win rate of approximately 50.6% in the higher ranks. Aatrox excels against other Top Lane champions like Dr. Mundo, Akali, and Gangplank, making him a strong pick in those matchups.


Our evergreen knight of Demacia, Garen, remains an immersive Top Lane champion with a win rate of around 52.09%. He is capable of carrying games with his strong laning phase and team fighting potential. Mastering his straightforward gameplay mechanics and understanding matchups will be key to success when playing Garen.

Garen excels in extended trades due to his Judgement ability. His ultimate, Demacian Justice, allows him to execute low-health enemies, making him a formidable presence in team fights. All of this makes Garen a popular choice among players looking for a reliable champion to climb the ranks.


Sett remains a strong pick, capable of carrying games with his powerful laning dominance and team fight potential. His ability to absorb damage while dealing significant burst damage makes him a valuable asset in both solo queue and competitive play. Sett boasts a win rate of approximately 51.3% and a pick rate up of 3.4%. His capacity to engage in fights and sustain through damage makes him a very good choice.

Best Mid Lane Champions in LoL

In the S-tier, we have;

  • Ahri
  • Anivia
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Diana
  • Galio
  • Naafiri
  • Sylas
  • Vel’koz
  • Vex

In the A-tier, we have;

  • Ekko
  • Fizz
  • Lux
  • Vieger
  • Vladimir
  • Yasuo
  • Yone

As we head into the Mid Lane rankings for the current patch, it’s crucial to understand the evolving dynamics of this pivotal role. The Mid Lane is often where the game’s tempo is set, with champions acting as both damage dealers and strategic playmakers. We’ve seen various changes that affect champion viability, making it essential for players to stay updated on which Midlaners are currently thriving. Here, we have curated the most optimal Mid Lane champions:


As always, Vex has established herself as a strong Mid Lane champion, currently ranked in the S Tier with a win rate of approximately 54.14%. Her unique mechanics allow her to deal significant burst damage while providing crowd control. This makes her a formidable choice for players looking to impact the game.

Vex excels at punishing enemies who rely on dashes, thanks to her passive ability that deals extra damage to marked targets. While she performs particularly well against champions that lack mobility, she can struggle against high-mobility champions like Twisted Fate, Ekko, and Veigar.


Naafiri is a strong Mid Lane pick, capable of delivering high burst damage while offering mobility and utility in team fights. With a win rate of approximately 53.1%, she has emerged as a competitive Mid Lane champion. Her unique mechanics and ability to deal burst damage while providing mobility make her a compelling choice for players looking to impact their games.

Aurelian Sol

In the current meta, Aurelion Sol performs reasonably well as a Mid Lane champion. His unique kit allows him to deal significant burst damage while providing crowd control, which is very impressive. His abilities, particularly his Q (Breath of Light) and R (Falling Star), enhance his effectiveness in skirmishes.

Plus, his passive enables him to scale well into the late game, making him a threat in team fights when properly utilized. This places him in a competitive position, and he’s a viable choice for players looking to influence the game.

Best Support Champions in LoL

In the S-tier, we have;

  • Janna
  • Lulu
  • Nami
  • Seraphim
  • Sona
  • Soraka
  • Xerath

In the A-tier, we have;

  • Bard
  • Blitzcrank
  • Braum
  • Karma
  • Leona
  • Rakan
  • Shen
  • Thresh
  • Zac
  • Zilean

The Support position plays a vital role in shaping team compositions and strategies, providing utility, crowd control, and protection for the carries. Understanding the evolving dynamics of this crucial role is essential for both casual and competitive players. In this piece, we’ve highlighted the best Support characters below:


Senna remains a strong Support option and is currently ranked at the top of the S Tier among players in higher ranks. Her ability to deal damage while providing support utility through healing and crowd control makes her a valuable asset in the bot lane.

Senna’s versatility allows her to function effectively as both a poke support and a scaling carry, which contributes to her sustained popularity. Despite recent nerfs to her healing and shielding abilities, she has maintained a solid win rate, showing that she is still a very good pick for the role.


Xerath remains a competitive choice for Support roles. His ability to poke from a distance and control team fights with crowd control makes him a valuable asset in various matchups. Highly versatile in team fights, he also delivers significant AP damage. Xerath performs best in the early to mid-game, boasting a notable win rate of 55.28% during the first 25 minutes of the game.

However, he tends to struggle in the later stages, particularly around the 30-35 minute mark. Therefore, it’s good to match him up with a high AP damage ADC to lessen the match time. His effectiveness largely depends on positioning and map awareness. This makes him a rewarding champion to master in the current meta.


As we conclude our rundown of the best champions in League of Legends for Patch 14.18, it’s obvious that the patch has reshaped the game’s competitiveness. The balance adjustments aim to create a more dynamic and varied meta, encouraging players to experiment with different strategies and champion picks.

The champions we covered in this piece have shown strong performance metrics and versatility across various roles. However, each champion’s success hinges on individual skill, understanding matchups, optimal builds, and team compositions. Hence, with good skill, you can even use a low-tier champion to win in LoL.

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