Uncovering Darkness ~by Marietta Wilkinson



“For this is the hour and this is the day,” says your King, “when My Manifest Presence will become more and more evident!

For I walk to and fro on the earth in this hour uncovering wickedness long hidden in darkness.

My Light dissipates the darkness to uncover and expose. Once exposed, Our battle is quickly won as My People pray and stand by My Side in alignment with My Purposes.

Just like the dark tunnels in Gaza, once discovered, My People move in to destroy what was once hidden.

For My Justice has arrived on the earth and what you are seeing and about to see is the Mighty Hand of God moving.

Pray, My children, for protection, for the enemy is relentless in his evil pursuits of stealing, killing and destroying.

He knows he is impossibly out-powered and out-numbered as My Host move across the face of the earth. But there is no possibility of his victory in this hour for his hour has not yet come.

So stand fast in this, My Hour!

A new day is dawning and while it still appears dark, the light is breaking and the Glory of The LORD will soon be evident for all to see!”

End of word.

We live in an amazing time! Even while the enemy is pulling out all the stops, we have a God Who has appointed this time to move on the earth in biblical ways.

What a privilege to be here to see it! None of us are here by accident, but each one was seen and chosen by our Heavenly Father from the beginning of time to be here now! Let’s individually and collectively stand in alignment with Him! He is our covering!

He has prepared us for such a time as this! And He always wins!

“Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for The LORD God – my God – will be with you.” 1 Chronicles 28:20a

“Behold, The LORD ’s hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1


Yours, O LORD, is the Greatness, the Power and the Glory, the Victory and the Majesty — for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours!

Yours is The Kingdom, O LORD, and You are exalted as head over all. (1 Chronicles 29:11)

We stand with you, in all you do, Jesus!


~ Marietta Wilkinson

Marietta Wilkinson Marietta Wilkinson is a Prophetic Voice called to usher in The Fire and Glory of The LORD for such a time as this.
Find Marietta at @swordofthekingdom (Telegram) and at praying_scripture (Instagram)

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