9 Mistakes to Avoid on a Cruise if You Share a Cabin With a Friend


I like to travel alone, I think I’ve said that in several articles already.

However, I also enjoy it very much when I travel with friends. We have to tell the truth, if you go on a cruise with a nice group of friends you will definitely have a great time.

The only downside of group cruises is that the cabins are very small. So, sometimes you might find yourself lacking a bit of personal space, or you may have to make some compromises to organize the space in a way that’s comfortable for everyone.

I’ve been on several cruises with friends and we often shared a cabin, so I want to give you some tips that can help you have a fantastic vacation.

1. Discuss Sleep Prefernces

Before sleeping together, it would be good to discuss the habits of each person in the cabin so that you have a good understanding of what to expect.

Some people go to sleep later while others go to sleep earlier, some people need total darkness to sleep while others want a little light, and some people watch television or read a book before sleeping. In short, habits that precede sleep can be very different.

Discuss them with your friend before the departure to try to reach a compromise.

2. Have a Bathroom Schedule

Cruise toilet

There is only one bathroom in cabins on cruise ships, despite the fact that 4 or sometimes even 5 people can sleep in a room.

I know sometimes it may not be enough, which is why you should try to have a common schedule you can follow.

For example, if one person in the cabin gets up before the others, they can use the bathroom right away so that they can then leave it for the others.

3. Do Not Overpack

Suitcase under the bed
Suitcase under the bed

As I have already mentioned, cruise cabins are very small so avoid bringing too much stuff, especially if you have to share the space with other people.

I recommend you read the article on the 7 cruise packing mistakes everyone makes (and how to avoid them).

In addition, you could bring something to better organize the space—for example an over-the-door organizer or some magnetic hooks. You can find them in the list of cruise essentials.

4. Set Boundaries for Personal Space

Even if you share a cabin, still try to respect your friends’ personal space.

Do not spread your belongings all over shared surfaces, and try to keep everything tidy in your space.

In addition, be mindful of your friend’s need for privacy. Don’t go through his/her things and avoid entering the bathroom when someone is already in there.

5. Coordinate Activities

Party on p&o cruise
Party on P&O cruise

In terms of activities, the best thing you can do is to coordinate and plan ahead.

My friends and I usually decided the night before on what to do, the excursions, sights to see, and the activities we wanted to participate in.

This way, you can take everyone’s preferences into account and do things that everyone likes.

6. Respect Cabin Etiquette

You and your friends may have known each other for several years and have a lot of confidence, but everyone still needs to respect cabin etiquette.

For example, everyone should clean up after themselves, keep the space tidy, and not leave items lying around.

If you bring food to the cabin, keep it on the table. Avoid leaving it on beds or shared surfaces to maintain cleanliness.

Also, read the 10 things you must never do in a cruise cabin (can get you banned).

7. Talk About Expenses

Cabin mini-bar
Cabin mini-bar

It’s no secret, on a cruise hidden costs are quite common and it’s easy to make the final bill rise.

You should talk about expenses in advance, in order to avoid arguments over who should pay.

For example, on cruise ships, the items in the mini-bar are not included and come at an additional cost. Who should pay for them if something is missing at the end of the cruise?

In addition, tell your friends to avoid these 10 things that are always overpriced on cruise ships.

8. Respect Quiet Time

Respect for silence is another key thing. Everyone likes to have fun and party but in the end, a good night’s sleep is essential.

Decide with your friends on a set bedtime, after which everyone should remain quiet.

Sleeping in a bed different from your own can be difficult during the first few days, so be sure to check out these tips for getting a good night’s sleep on a cruise.

9. You Don’t Have to be Together All the Time

The last thing I want to tell you to have a great vacation is also to give yourself some free space.

Going on a cruise together does not necessarily mean spending 24 hours together.

Respect your friend’s independence, you can do a different thing while he/she may prefer something else.

Spending some time alone will do you good, you will still have plenty of opportunities to have fun together.