Small Wins Lead To Big Results


At the beginning of this year, one of my God goals was to focus on my physical health journey. While I didn’t have any significant health concerns, I knew that to be all that God was calling me to be, I needed to honor the temple God gave me and care for it the best way I knew.  For the past several years, I have been so consistent in focusing my effort on my faith walk that I have not prioritized the physical area of my life. It was time for a change! I sensed the LORD call me to focus on being consistent with many daily habits to experience optimal health.

Because I have been in the health and wellness industry for many years, I knew what consistent behaviors and actions to take. After careful consideration, I wrote down where I was already thriving in my physical health journey. Then, I wrote down what I was willing to consistently incorporate into my life to make some real changes for myself. Then, the work of being consistent started.

Consistency is one of the most potent forces in life. Doing something repetitively, day in and day out, creates momentum, leading to big results over time. Whether it’s growing in your relationship with the Lord, building a strong body, or cultivating a healthy mind, results from small wins will compound over time, just like interest in a bank account.

Just keep stacking the days.

I once saw a powerful analogy about building muscle. The trainer showed about an ounce of raw meat and said, “This is how much muscle you could gain in a day.” It’s tiny, but that small gain over six months adds to significant muscle mass. The same principle applies to any goal you’re working toward. It’s not about expecting considerable gains in a short time but being patient and committed to daily progress.

We overestimate what can be accomplished in a short period of time and underestimate what can be achieved in a long period of time.

This lesson isn’t just about fitness—it’s about all aspects of life. Where do you want to be in six months or a year? What do you want your relationship with Jesus to be like moving forward? Whether it’s building your physical, spiritual, or mental strength, staying consistent is key. Small actions, like reading a chapter a day, consistently praying every day, or making healthy choices, can transform your life over time.

Proverbs 12:24 offers wisdom: “Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and become a slave.” 

What are you a slave to? Whether it’s unhealthy habits or procrastination, try to recognize what’s holding you back.

Proverbs 13:4 echoes this: “Lazy people want much but get little; those who work hard will prosper.” The good news is that if you’re still reading this, you’re already on the path to leadership and growth.

Stay disciplined, stay consistent, and watch your small efforts become results. Big results. Mine sure did!

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