I Do Not Write for You ~by Pastor Mark Cyril



I understand that these words will likely fall on deaf ears, for this present generation seems too far gone.

In a time where true biblical faith is dismissed for sensationalism, where prophets parade themselves as celebrities, exploiting their followers for gain, it feels as though sound doctrine has been lost.

You chase after miracles, prosperity, and the promises of worldly success, all while the core message of The Gospel is being trampled upon.

But my message is not for you.

No, I do not WRITE for you!

My words are for those yet to come — those who, somewhere in the future, will stumble upon these writings with open hearts and eyes longing for Truth.

They will not be swayed by the empty promises of false prophets.

They will seek to rediscover the simplicity and power of the faith that has been buried under layers of deceit and manipulation.

This present generation has chosen its path.

You have allowed yourselves to be exploited, to follow voices that are louder but emptier.

Your hunger is not for righteousness, but for temporal gain.

Yet, I cannot and will not cater to such an audience.

Instead, I WRITE for the generation that will seek to walk the narrow path — those who, tired of the lies, will dig deep to unearth the true treasures of God’s Word.

I write for those who will refuse to be spoon-fed by charlatans and instead take up The Cross themselves, following Christ and Christ alone.

You may choose to ignore this now, or even mock it. But a day will come when someone — perhaps not of this era — will realize the folly of today’s trends and return to the roots of true biblical faith.

To you, future seekers of Truth, I say:

Walk the path.

Seek the Scriptures.

Do not settle for anything less than the pure Gospel of Christ.

For you, I WRITE……


~ Mark Cyril

Mark CyrilAuthor, teacher, motivational and conference speaker, Pastor Mark Cyril is the international President of CYRIL MARK WORLD EVANGELISM – an independent ministry taking the message of the cross across the Nations turning many in their numbers to salvation through Jesus Christ. He is also the Senior Pastor of Revelation Apostolic Community; an apostolic and Prophetic Word based ministry in Abuja the capital city of Nigeria – West Africa.

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