Live From Home [Friday, November 27, 2020]


Welcome to Beth Israel Messianic Synagogue LIVE FROM HOME!
Friday, November 27, 2020

Rabbi David Levine
Rabbi Yuriy Korshun
Beth Israel Messianic Synagogue is located in Jacksonville, FL (United States).


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V’shamroo v’nay Yisrael
et ha Shabbat
La’ahsote et ha shabbat
l’dorotam breet ohlahm

Baynee oo’vain b’nay Yisrael
Ote he ot he l’olahm

Key shayshet yameem ahsa Adonai
Et hashamayeem v’et haahretz

Oo’vayom hahshvee
Oo’vayom hahshv-e-e ah
Shavath vayeenafahsh



Verse 1
You are standing here beside me
Giving light to guide me
Lifting me when I am falling.
Hear me, hear these words inside me
Hear my prayer and help me
Hearer of prayer, who loves the people Israel…
Answer me when I am calling

Shomeiah t’filah, ohev amo Yisrael (repeat)

Verse 2
Bless us, bless us with Your Spirit
Heal us with Your presence
Help us know that You are One
Teach us, teach us to be holy
Fill us with compassion
Till the day that peace has come!

And when I lift my voice up, You will listen,
And I know that I can trust in You.
When I’m torn and tired, bent and breaking
I know You hear me when I call to You!



Verse 1
Ten bi et esh ruchacha,
ten bi et koach d’varcha
Put the fire of Your Spirit upon me,
place the power of Your Word within me
Maleh oti, maleh oti

Fill me, fill me

Chorus (Hebrew)
Ani echrah lifnei kes Elohim
Aromem et shimcha m’al kol shem
Ayn kamocha Adonai, ba’elim
Maleh oti, maleh oti

Verse 2
Sim bi et kol ahavatcha, sim bi et chom r’fuatcha
Maleh oti, maleh oti

Verse 3
Put the fire of Your Spirit upon me,
the power of Your Word within me,
Fill me, fill me.
Fill me with the power of Your love,
pour your healing power upon me,
Fill me, fill me

Chorus (English)
I will bow down before the throne of God!
I will lift up Your Name above all names!
There is none like You among the gods! (bridge)

Your blood purifies, Your blood frees our lives! (2x)
Damcha m’taher, damcha m’shachrer, (2x) o – ti (INST)
Ani chof-shi,
Ani chof-shi

Gadol Ata u’mehulal m’od (repeat)

You are great and greatly to be praised



Verse 1
Abba Father, lay Your hands on me.
Holy Spirit, set this captive free
From the chains that are holding me.
Lay Your hands on me.

Verse 2
Precious Father, how my spirit craves
More to yield to Your love and grace,
More to bow down before Your face.
Lay Your hands on me!

All that I need is to touch the hem of Your garment, I pray,
All that I need is Your touch, to raise up my life from the dead!

Verse 3
In the night, I can hear Your voice
Calling, “Come, let Your heart rejoice.”
Help me, Lord, not resist that choice
Lay Your hands on me.

Verse 4
Fill me Lord, with Your burning fire;
Fill me Lord, so You’re my desire!
Fill me Lord, so I stray not far.
Lay Your hands on me!

All that I need is to touch the hem of Your garment, I pray,
All that I need is Your touch, to raise up my life from the dead!

Lay Your hands, lay Your hands,
lay Your hands on me.
Lay Your hands…on me.
