Podcast Episode 261 – Is Selling on Amazon via FBA a Viable Business?


Many of you know that Stephen first started selling on Amazon well over a decade ago – 13 years ago as of recording this episode. Some of you may be asking a question we regularly receive in the Full-Time FBA inbox: “Well, that might have been a good time to start, but is TODAY a good time to start selling on Amazon?” Or you might be wondering a variation on that question: “Is today a good time to try to GROW my Amazon business?” We’ll cut to the chase. YES.

It’s going to take a lot of work, just like any good business does – but today is the perfect time to start building or growing your Amazon business. Not only is Amazon FBA a viable and legitimate option for you to make money online, but we believe it’s an excellent way to support yourself with a full-time income or a solid side hustle. Tune in today to hear more!

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Key points from Episode 261:

  • Many people wonder if Amazon FBA is a viable way to earn an income or some extra cash on the side – it’s a good question and one you should investigate for yourself.
  • Online sales continue to grow rapidly and predictably each year.
  • Amazon remains the #1 online store on the planet and focuses on retaining customers with data-driven methods.
  • Third-party sellers continue to bring in the majority of sales on the Amazon platform.
  • You need to protect yourself from scammers who try to convince you selling on Amazon is easy money.
  • Selling on Amazon is a business. And running a business takes work, money, effort, and time. There are no short cuts.
  • Why you should check out the Full-Time FBA Coaching Program today to learn about our methods of building a successful Amazon business for the long-term.

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Right-click here and save as to download this episode to your computer. 


Selling on Amazon might sound easy… but it’s not. Too many Amazon reseller “gurus” will try to get you to fall for an Amazon reseller “get rich quick” scheme, but we’re here to tell you the truth:

  • Selling on Amazon is hard, especially when you’re all by yourself… BUT it’s so much easier with a guide — and we’re here to help.
  • Selling on Amazon is not a “get rich quick” scheme… BUT it can be a “get rich slowly” plan. With commitment to working hard, combined with our expert guidance, you can start making a full-time income selling on Amazon within about a year.

That’s why you’re invited to join our 6-12-month long Full-Time FBA Coaching Program. No matter if you’re brand new to selling on Amazon or if you have a few years of experience, our coaching program will take you from where you are to making a full-time income in about 12-months.

We’ve been coaching sellers like you for over a decade and have found what it takes to help you make that full-time income dream into a reality. Find out more about The Full-Time FBA Coaching Program (including how to set up a Connect Call with me to ask your specific questions about the program).

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