10 Last Minute Things to Pack and Do Before a Cruise


The last days before the vacation are the most hectic and also the most stressful.

You need to make sure you have packed all the things you need, and done all those things that are necessary before you leave.

Since there are quite a lot of things to do, it is sometimes easy to forget some of them. That is why I always recommend having a checklist to keep track of everything.

In this article, we are going to look at some last-minute things to do. Save the article and remember to check it a few days before leaving.

Add a Tag or Some Kind of Identifying Mark

Suitcases with ribbons

When you finish packing and close your suitcase, remember to also add a tag with your name and phone number. It will be useful in case it gets lost and someone finds it.

If it’s a simple and easily mistaken suitcase, I also recommend attaching something to make it unique, like a ribbon or a keychain.

I absolutely recommend it because I had a bad experience a few years ago. A man at the airport had taken my suitcase, mistaking it for his own. It was very stressful, especially being in a foreign country, but fortunately, he returned it to the airport the next day.

Add a GPS tracking

Apple Airtags

Another thing you can do is to put a small GPS receiver inside it, like an Apple AirTag.

The Airtag will transmit the signal in real-time, and you can track all the movements of your suitcase on your smartphone, so it’s like you never lose sight of it.

Although it is a very useful thing, I always suggest that you don’t put valuables in the suitcases you leave at check-in.

Valuable and essential items such as medicine should only be placed in carry-on luggage.

Check Your Travel Documents

organizer for important documents
Organizer for important documents

Some people also say that one thing to do just before leaving is to check your personal documents.

I’m afraid I have to disagree. This is something you should have done a long time ago, at least one month before departure.

As I said in the article on the 7 things you should verify before your check-in, renewing a passport can take several weeks, so it’s something you need to do as soon as possible.

If you realize that your passport has expired or is about to expire just a few days before your trip contact the office responsible for issuing documents in your state. They could issue an urgent document but unfortunately, it’s not always possible.

Check the Weather Forecast

The reliability of weather forecasts has improved significantly in recent years, but it is still better not to rely on predictions that go beyond 72 hours.

For this reason, one thing you need to do just before you leave is to check the weather.

Depending on the temperatures and whether rain is expected, you can make minor adjustments to your suitcase. If you’re going to the Caribbean check the article on what to wear on a Caribbean cruise. I’ve already explained there how to pack properly for that type of itinerary.

Download Offline Entertainment

Traveling usually involves a lot of fun but also many times of boredom especially on a train, plane or bus.

If you have to spend several hours on transportation I recommend downloading a few movies or TV series that you can watch.

Downloading them to your device is always the best thing you can do, especially if you are not sure if you will have an internet connection.

Prepare Your House for Your Absence

Timer for the lights
Timer for the lights

Preparing your house is a very important thing, especially if you will be away for a week or more.

Before you leave, take care of home preparations like setting light timers, unplugging all unnecessary appliances, turning off the water, clearing out your fridge, and informing a neighbor or friend to keep an eye on your property​.

I talked in more detail about this topic in the article on the 10 essential things to do before your cruise for a stress-free vacation.

Last-Minute Beauty Prep

On vacation you will take many photos, meet many people, and probably go out a lot.

For this reason, a couple of days before departure, remember to make any last-minute grooming appointments, such as haircuts, manicures, or waxing.

I know what you are thinking, you can do them even when you get on the ship. You’re right but consider that they are among the 10 things that are always overpriced on cruise ships.

Confirm Transportation to the Port

Flight to the port
Flight to the port

A few days before the cruise, check that the transportation to the port is correctly booked and that the dates and times are correct.

It’s also a good thing to have a backup plan in case of delays or emergencies. Usually leaving well in advance helps reduce unforeseen events, but in some cases, it’s even better to leave a day in advance.

Also, remember to verify what’s the best time to arrive for cruise embarkation and how you can be the first passenger to board the cruise ship.

Download Cruise Line Apps

NCL app

This is not something you have to do well in advance, so even while you are waiting for boarding you can download the cruise line’s official app.

You can usually find a lot of important information on them, such as disembarkation and embarkation times, the daily program, your onboard account, and a map of all decks.

Weigh Your Luggage

The night before your trip, make sure to double-check the weight of your suitcase.

In my experience, most cruise lines are quite flexible when it comes to luggage weight. However, the real issue is if you’re flying. Many airlines tend to be quite strict with their weight limits so watch out for this possibility.

Also, remember that overpacking is among the most common mistakes cruise passengers make. You can learn how to avoid it in this article.