How Does the Political Divide Impact TV, Brands, and Celebrities? – E-Poll Market Research Blog


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As the 2024 election cycle is upon us, political polarization remains as intense as ever. How does this division extend beyond politics to influence our views on celebrities, brands, and TV shows?

Leveraging insights from the E-Score Platform Suite, we analyzed top celebrities, brands, and TV shows by political preference. We ranked them by TrustworthinessCoolness, and Must-Watch appeal, respectively.

Most Trusted Celebrities by Political Affiliation

There is not a lot of cross-over between Democrats and Republicans in terms of celebrity trustworthiness, though a few names appear on both the Democrat and Independent list.

  • Democrats and Independents rank Morgan FreemanJon Stewart, and Barack Obama in the top 10 for Trustworthy among both political groups. 
  • The list Democrats find trustworthy includes more celebrities from racially diverse backgrounds (60% of top 10) than the other two groups.

Most Politically Cool Brands by Political Affiliation

Democrats and Republicans do agree on a few of the top brands they consider “cool” – mostly in the Entertainment Franchise category. One franchise made all three lists. 

  • LEGO is the only brand in the top 10 for Cool across all three political groups. Factors like nostalgia, neutral branding, diverse themes, and inclusivity keep LEGO appealing regardless of political leanings.
  • Franchises like John Wick and Guardians of the Galaxy provide a cool factor, engaging escapism, iconic characters, and high-quality entertainment that unite Democrats and Republicans.

Most Watched TV Programs by Political Affiliation

Two programs generate loyal viewing across all three political groups, both based on nostalgic entertainment franchises with cross-generational appeal. 

  • The power of nostalgia and fresh storytelling has The Mandalorian and Cobra Kai as the only two must-see shows across all three political lines.
  • Beyond the two shows mentioned above, bipartisanship is evident as Bridgerton and House of the Dragon also rank in the must-watch top 10 for both Democrats and Republicans.

Understanding how politics influences preferences for celebrities, brands, and TV shows can provide a competitive edge. Our E-Score data offers insights to tailor your campaigns for specific political groups, ensuring your messaging resonates effectively. 

What’s Ahead: Discover key celebrity insights in our upcoming Fall Celebrity Report – 2024. Stay tuned for the full report, available for FREE in our next newsletter.

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