WA government passing the buck on climate responsibilities


PERTH, Tuesday 15 October 2024 — In response to the WA government’s decision to remove Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) from state environmental assessments tabled in parliament today, the following comments can be attributed to Geoff Bice, WA Campaign Lead at Greenpeace Australia Pacific:

“Today’s decision by the WA Government to walk away from its climate responsibilities is deeply disappointing.

“Minister Whitby’s decision to pass the climate buck to Canberra highlights the fundamental gaps in how major polluting projects are assessed. It paves the way for the WA government to waive through fossil fuel projects despite significant climate concerns, on the grounds that it will be captured under the weaker federal Safeguard Mechanism.

“The WA Government has relinquished its role in deciding what gets built in our state, and the impacts major projects will have on our climate and environment. This is a shocking dereliction of duty for the WA State Government, at a time when other states are setting ambitious targets for the clean energy transition.

“Ultimately, if we are serious about tackling climate pollution and reducing emissions this decade, we must stop emissions before they are produced — starting with Woodside’s proposed North West Shelf gas extension, one of the country’s most polluting fossil fuel projects which is currently undergoing state and federal approvals.

“We are experiencing the worsening impacts of the climate crisis across our state — this is not the time to weaken our climate regulations.” 


For more information or interviews contact Kate O’Callaghan on 0406 231 892 or [email protected]

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