Publishing your book on Amazon KDP is one of the best ways to secure your very own digital asset that you can sell month over month. if done correctly.
And with the help of a few online tools, you just might be able to add additional sales each month for your KDP account.
Amazon KDP is an online self-publishing website owned and operated by, you guessed it, Amazon. You simply create your book in a design program such as Canva, then upload the finished file to Amazon KDP.
Once a customer purchases your book, the book gets printed. This is known as print on demand book publishing and it reduces waste and lowers costs.
In fact, it’s free to publish your book on Amazon KDP for this very reason. It’s a win-win for everyone.
The 2 additional tools I recommend for Amazon KDP are Bookow and Tangent Templates. With these tools, you’ll be able to find best-selling low-content book interiors as well as get the exact printable dimensions of your book to send to Amazon.
Make sure to check these tools out when designing your next Amazon KDP book. Who knows. You just might get more sales because of them.
Click here to get Tangent Templates
Click here to use Bookow
—– Chapter Timestamps —–
0:00 – What is Amazon KDP?
1:17 – Using Tangent Templates
1:59 – Using Bookow For Your Amazon KDP Templates
2:46 – Why Create Books For Amazon KDP?