These New Care Bears Take Color to the Next Level

  • New Care Bears featuring tie-dyed fur
  • Introduces new Care Bear character, Loveshine Bear
  • Come with matching slap bracelet

Designed for kids ages 4 and up, Care Bears Color Splash is a new line of plush Care Bears featuring updated designs and swirly, tie-dyed fur. There are currently three bears in the collection: Funshine Bear, Togetherness Bear, and the all-new Loveshine Bear. Loveshine Bear has blue, purple, and pink swirly fur and a lighthouse that gives off a heart-shaped light on its Belly Badge. Each plush bear also comes with a matching slap bracelet that kids can wear while snuggling and playing with their Color Splash Care Bear.

Care Bears have been a beloved toy for generations. The Care Bears Color Splash designs bring a twist to the brand with their cozy, swirly fur,; embroidered Belly Badges; and other design details. Plus, like any Care Bears plush, they are the perfect snuggle partners.

A new wave of Care Bears Color Splash plush is coming soon, including Cheer Bear, Wish Bear, and Love-A-Lot Bear.

Care Bears fans, kids and adults alike; snuggle time


Each Care Bears Color Splash plush features a new, multicolored take on a beloved Care Bears character. | Source: Basic Fun!

Each Care Bears Color Splash plush features a new, multicolored take on a beloved Care Bears character. | Source: Basic Fun!

The latest members of the Care Bears universe feature updated designs, embroidered Belly Badges, and swirly, tie-dyed fur. There are currently three bears in the collection: Funshine Bear, Togetherness Bear, and the all-new Loveshine Bear, each of which comes with a matching slap bracelet.

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