From the NoTricksZone

By P Gosselin

Germany’s Blackout News here reports the latest example of what happens when green energy fantasies clash with reality, in this case trains powered by hydrogen.

Symbol image. Source: Alstom press release here. 

According to theAccording to the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV), the hydrogen trains on the Taunusbahn have been temporarily taken out of service and  diesel locomotives are being used again. The hydrogen locomotives are manufactured by Alstom and are reported to have been “fault-prone” and are currently being improved. (RMV), the hydrogen trains on the Taunusbahn have been temporarily taken out of service and  diesel locomotives are being used again. The hydrogen locomotives are manufactured by Alstom and are reported to have been “fault-prone” and are currently being improved.

“The project was launched in December 2022 with great expectations. The plan was to deploy the world’s largest fleet of hydrogen trains on the Taunusbahn. But problems arose early on,” reports Blackout News.  “Even at the start, Alstom was unable to deliver the promised number of vehicles. Technical defects became more frequent in the following months.”

RMV was thus forced to put the diesel locomotives back in service, but calls the measure “a temporary solution until the end of 2025.” The hydrogen powered operation remains the the overall aim. Alstom is currently overhauling the hydrogen trains to make them ready for long-term, reliable operation.

By returning to the diesel trains, RMV is focusing on reliability while hoping hydrogen will improve enough to be put back in service by the end of this year. “This measure shows that sustainable technologies continue to pose challenges,” Blackout News summarizes.

While green energies can be used in a number of applications, they are proving to be a major technological challenge in the transport sector.

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