Almost $10,000 USD Giveaway 🤩

You can be a winner 🏆 of $9,150 gift in Waffles Tokens when Waffles hits a $1 billion market cap🚀

Get ready! 🎉

👉🏻 Guidelines for Participation 👈🏻

1. If you don’t have a Davitar NFT Buy one on Opensea
2.⁠ ⁠Register each Davitar NFT you own at for access to the private group.
3.⁠ ⁠Ensure your Davitar is listed for sale at any price you choose on OpenSea
4.⁠ ⁠Confirm your Davitar is visible in the public Telegram group, and connected to your Telegram username, in
5. Earn $100 in DJ15 tokens for being active in the public group with your Davitar.
💰Follow @davincij15 for crypto tips!💹
🤑Follow @davincij15 for crypto tips!💵
#Bitcoin #crypto #davincij15 #Waffles #CryptoGiveaway #DavitarHolders
