Almost $10,000 USD Giveaway 🤩
You can be a winner 🏆 of $9,150 gift in Waffles Tokens when Waffles hits a $1 billion market cap🚀
Get ready! 🎉
👉🏻 Guidelines for Participation 👈🏻
1. If you don’t have a Davitar NFT Buy one on Opensea
2. Register each Davitar NFT you own at for access to the private group.
3. Ensure your Davitar is listed for sale at any price you choose on OpenSea
4. Confirm your Davitar is visible in the public Telegram group, and connected to your Telegram username, in
5. Earn $100 in DJ15 tokens for being active in the public group with your Davitar.
💰Follow @davincij15 for crypto tips!💹
🤑Follow @davincij15 for crypto tips!💵
#Bitcoin #crypto #davincij15 #Waffles #CryptoGiveaway #DavitarHolders