You too can have your home protected, and keep something in mind. Lets say that you are somewhere in the middle of the woods and you can’t read anyone, but you need a medicine wheel to protect the place you are at. You can’t even channel healing (yet), but at least, you can visualize this energy coming and protecting your home. Your Spirit Guides will help you out, as well as the intentions you project through the Principle of Vibration and Mentalism.
The same goes around, even if you are used to creating these for others and yourself, don’t forget to put your heart into each one you create. The power of emotions is enormous, and they will play a key role, doesn’t matter how you make your medicine wheel.
Q: Can you create a medicine wheel for protecting your home?
A: Yes, one of its main purposes is to create an energetic dome keeping negative energies outside, and positive ones within.
Q: What do I need to do a Medicine Wheel Physically?
A: I recommend the use of tobacco or any aromatic or smokable herb for burial purposes. Additionally, you can use dry sage leaves. You may use a wand, staff, rod, or any tool you feel connected to for drawing the circle. You may use your fingers if you feel so as well.
Q: Do I have to be Native American to be able to make a Medicine Wheel?
A: As long as you hear the calling, and a teacher/mentor guides you, you will feel guided to work with the spirits of the earth for this and other practices.
Q: How can I ask for help to create a Medicine Wheel?
A: You can always invite your Spirit Guides in, as well as the spirits of Earth.
So, this is all about what I wanted to share regarding a Medicine Wheel. I feel from here, I cannot talk about them, it is not my position to do so. Next week, we will talk about another subject some of you have been chasing me for, the characteristics of gifted children. So, stay tuned, and see you next week!
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