Lecture No. 6 Community Development Programme
Course No.-EXTN 122 Semester- II (New)
Course Title- Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education
Questions Asked
Define Community Development. Enlist objectives of community development program. *
Differentiate between Extension Education and Community development.*****
Short notes on
(NES) National Extension services**
( CDP) Community Development Program****
Objectives –
When was CDP launched in India?
When was NES launched in India?
Defination of Community Development.
Defination- Community Development
Community Development: It is a movement designed to promote better living for the community with the active participation and/or the initiative at the community.
It is a method by which people of villages are involved in helping to improve their own economic and social conditions and thereby they become more effective groups in programmes of their national development.
The community development programme was started in India just after independence (1952).
It was a multi project programme with the aim of an overall development of rural people.
This programme consisted of agriculture, animal husbandry, irrigation, cooperation, public health, education, social education, communication, village industries etc.
Each block was further divided into groups of 5-10 villages each.
The project was headed by a Project Officer, and a number of Subject matter extension officers in the various disciplines.
Each project had about 60 multipurpose village level workers. One for each group of 5 to 10 villages.
A village level worker called Gramsevak was appointed as the basic level extension functionary in the community development programme.
Objectives of Community Development in India
The fundamental or basic objective of Community Development in India is the development of people of “Destination Man”. Its broad objectives are :-
(i) economic development, (ii) social justice and (iii) democratic growth
Increasing agricultural production.
Improving existing village crafts and industries and organising new ones.
Providing minimum essential health services and improving health practices.
Providing required educational facilities for children and an adult education programme.
Providing recreational facilities and programmes.
Improving housing and family living conditions, and
Providing programmes for village women and youth.
National Extension service Programme
After enthusiastic response for community development programme, government felt need of the rapid expansion of the programme throughout the country, but country’s resources were not sufficient. So the new less intensive programme in character was launched called National Extension Service programme. (1953)
Both the programmes were complementary and interwoven & ran concurrently. The idea behind the NES programme was to cover the entire country within a period of about 10 years.
NES blocks in which successful results have been achieved with the maximum popular co-operation are selected for intensive development for a period of three years and where converted to Community Development Blocks.
Each NES block on an average had 100 villages, with population of 60,000 to 70,000 persons spread over an area of 150 to 170 sq miles .
But the N.E.S. blocks are not developed as under CDP blocks, so blocks working showed good results & were having peoples participation in abundance were selected as C.D. blocks for more intensified work.
Extension Education
Emphasis on the individual.
Education aimed at individual development to obtain economic & social improvement.
Main theme is individual’s need.
Emphasize the decision making for change of individual & families.
Community Development programme
Emphasis on co-operation.
Education aimed at group of individuals to work collectively to obtain economic & social improvement.
Main theme is community’s need.
Emphasize the decision making by groups & representation of groups.
Extension Education
Community Development programme
Extension Education
Permits cooperation between departments and agencies.
“Branch” of the Department of Agriculture.
Not involved in promotion of local units.
Community Development programme
Forces departments and agencies to participate.
Several branches of government are involved.
Directly involved
Dimensions of Agriculture Extension by AK Singh, Lakhan Singh and R Roy Burman.
Extension Communication and Management by G.L. Ray.
Textbook on Rural Developmet Entrepreneurship and Comunication Skills by Sagar Mondal and G.L. Ray.